Thursday, July 11, 2024

VIDEO: "This is it! This is the one they'll remember!"

Just before the Big Boy Presser started, Senile Joe appeared for a bit of mutual admiration with... well, watch the introduction,


During the exchange that followed, President Brandon did his now-customary "Number 1, Number 2" shtick, reading slowly from notes to help him keep the numbers in the correct order. But the damage was done. 

In a statement to Fox News, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) said."This is the person who has first-strike capabilities with our nuclear arsenal. We are continuing to send a powerfully dangerous signal to our adversaries that the commander-in-chief is not in control of his faculties. The emperor has no clothes, and if he won’t step aside other senior leaders in the Democratic Party need to stand up and make him – for the security of our nation."

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