Monday, July 29, 2024

VIDEO: Musk Harris parody: You didn't see it here first

Unless you're living on another planet (like Senile Joe), you've already heard about Elon Musk's hilarious fake ad targeting Hawk-Tuah Harris, the wokesters' choice for president. To save you searching for it, we're reposting the "Blux" version, complete with big subtitles.


And while we're at it, here's a new meme. 

Click on the updated version of "The 'Hawk Tuah' twins, separated at birth?", where "Hawk Tuah" is explained... sort of... Comments are welcome (but moderated); click on the headline to open the comments window.

Further reading: "Democrats Condemn Obviously Manipulated Audio Of Kamala Harris Where She Sounds Sober", from the Babylon Bee (of course), 29/7/24.

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