Wednesday, July 31, 2024

VIDEO shows Trump assassin-wannabe taking position on roof

First let me show you this, a new video, posted on Fox News, of the moments before the attempted assassination of President Trump.

The video was shot by James Copenhaver, one of the victims critically wounded in the July 13th "incident" at Butler PA, all mention of which Google has tried to descrub from its search engine database. 

You can see (circled) a figure moving across the roof of the American Glass Research (AGR) building just minutes before gunfire rang out at the Trump rally. In the video taken at 1808 EDT, the person appears on the roof of the building adjacent to where Mr Trump is speaking and can be seen walking from the 1:00 second mark to about the 2:50 second mark. 

Officials believe that person is gunman Thomas Crooks, who began shooting with a collapsible AR-15-style rifle three minutes later. Counter snipers fatally shot Mr Crooks shortly -- very shortly -- afterward, and law enforcement officials found eight shell casings near his body. 

A commenter on X asks why Mr Crooks wasn't "dealt with". Another replies that he was a patsy, being set up to do the dirty deed after which he would be "dealt with" by the Secret Service who already had him in their sights, even while he was running across the roof to take up his position. 

Now let me quote from "Attempted assassination of President Trump: Who is responsible?" (WWW, 13/7/24). 

"Has a cover-up already begun?

"Let's suppose that the shooter was (a) an Islamic (or other) terrorist; (b) a looney leftist, antifa type; (c) an agent of the Deep State; or even (d) a sufferer from TDS, nuttier than squirrel shit and determined that there should be no second term for Trump. 

"Would the Deep State, the Democrats and their lickspittle media want you to know this? If they want to cover their sorry asses, how would they do so? Simple. By assassinating the would-be assassin. So far, what we're hearing from Official Sources is that the threat has been "contained". Whatever can that mean? Stay tuned... but don't hold your breath!"

My emphasis added. That conspiracy theory -- for such it is -- was denounced by the lickspittle media before the day was out, although not by the Secret Service or other agents of Deep State until later. Walt doesn't think it's so far-fetched. Do you?

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