Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPDATED: The "Hawk Tuah" twins, separated at birth?

Camilla Tominey, Associate Editor of The Telegraph (UK) just dropped a great article headed "Kamala Harris is the Meghan Markle of American politics". If you click the link you'll find it's behind a firewall, so let me give you a couple of excerpts "for review purposes only" (nudge nudge wink wink).

...The penchant for spouting word salad; the slightly awkward misplaced laughter; the courting of chat show hosts; the celebrity iPhone moments; the loathing of Donald Trump; the unfortunate bullying allegations.... Meghan! Kamala Harris reminds me of the Duchess of Sussex. 

It has been suggested that Meghan one day dreamed of being the first mixed race, female President of the United States. Now Harris could beat her to it.... Meghan once actively sought out a relationship with Michelle and Barack Obama, now they are busily endorsing Harris’s presidency. (Was it just me or did that staged phone call between the Obamas and Harris have shades of Meghan telling Harry “Beyonce’s just texted”, just as the Netflix cameras were conveniently rolling?). 

And the rhetoric! Both Meghan and Kamala spout this sort of pseudo-spiritual psychobabble that sounds perfectly progressive but doesn’t always make that much sense. The Duchess once declared: “Reflecting on where I came from helps me to appreciate and balance what I have now.” But on reflection, might she have preferred to have come up with Harris’s now-infamous catchphrase: “What can be, unburdened by what has been”. 

Both women have spoken out in support of each other in the past. “Meghan, we are with you,” Harris tweeted when things were getting tough for the royal couple before Megxit. The Duchess, in turn, welcomed Harris’s nomination as vice president a year later. Meghan has not yet publicly endorsed Harris for president. But it can surely only be a matter of time.

UPDATE ADDED 29/7/24: About the headline... certain people who are not enamored of Heels-up Harris have dubbed her "the original 'Hawk Tuah' girl". The reference is to a remark made by Alec Lace, who used to be a regular on the Fox Business network. In a July 5th discussion on the future (if any) of the Democratic Party, Mr Lace suggested that Ms Harris ascended to power by sleeping her way to the top. 

"Kamala Harris — she’s the original ‘Hawk Tuah’ girl — that’s the way she got where she is. And the party's going downhill if it's in her hands," is what Mr Lace said. His comment refers to a viral TikTok clip in which one Haliey Welch was asked the question, "What’s one move in bed that makes a man go crazy every time?" Her answer (which Walt doesn't quite get) was "You gotta give `em that 'hawk tuah' and spit on that thang." Readers are invited to explain what she meant on the back of a postcard.

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