Friday, July 19, 2024

VIDEO: Eric Trump's excellent convention speech

You don't have to be a regular reader of WWW to know that Walt is a big fan of Donald J. Trump, the one-and-future President of the United States of America. But I have to admit that the Donald is not the world's greatest orator. I was reminded of that while watching last night's closing session of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

The leftie talking heads on NBC (terrible, terrible) or PBS (worse still) had their ultra-liberal, anti-Trump bias on full display. (I didn't check ABC or CBS because they didn't carry the convention, atleast not our neck of the woods.) 

They disparaged President Trump before and after he spoke. [Well, not exactly. NBC cut to Jimmy Kimmel 40 minutes or so before the end of Mr Trump's speech. Ed.] They weren't so hard on rhe warm-up acts, probably because they thought no-one would be listen, or they didn't know what to expect. For sure they didn't expect DJT's son Eric, who focus is running his father's business, to deliver a tribute to his father which turned into a barn-burner political speech. Check this out. 

If Eric stays in the political arena, he might well be a worthy successor to J.D. Vance, at the end of Mr Vance's two terms as President in 1936. Remember, you read it here first!

Meanwhile, the closing evening of the Republican National Convention (along with the collapse of the Dumbocrats) makes me to believe that Trump the Father will be re-elected as President of the United States. Get yer bets down. Lifetime pct .890.

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