Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The faces of the Democrats

I know some of you are going to think this is a low blow, but it's not so low as trying to assassinate your opponent. Get used to it. You're going to see a lot more of this kind of thing, from both sides, between now and Freedom Day. 

The lamestream media keep reminding us that the Democrat on the far left (geddit?), Kamala "Heels Up" Harris, is "America's first female Black Vice-President".

Let Walt remind you is that she's half Indian (turbans, not feathers) and half Jamaican. That makes her... be honest now... an appropriate target for the following:

Q.: What position does Kamala Harris play on the White House football team?
A.: Half-black.

[That's enough cheap jokes. Leave the one about eating an apple through a picket fence for another day. Ed.]

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