Thursday, July 11, 2024

VIDEO: Can the USA stand four more years of this?

Walt is on the Biden death watch. We're not talking physical death here. I wouldn't wish that on anyone [Well, hardly anyone. Ed.] And it appears from the video below that brain death may be imminent. 

Today we're talking political death. I expect to see Crooked Joe in the last throes in about three hours, as he gives what may be his final "Big Boy Press Conference" at the close of the NATO summit in Washington.

Is Senile Joe capable of speaking ex tempore, without notes or cards or an autocue? As we see here, even the teleprompter can't save him when he's unable to distinguish between the text and the rubrics. 

If he doesn't ace today's performance, the knives which have already been stuck in his back will be pulled out and stuck in his front. The first Black (and truly Black, LOL) vice-president is sharpening hers as we speak. How sad.

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