Thursday, August 1, 2024

Armageddon soon?

Here is the stack-4 headline on this morning's Breitbart News landing page: 

Report: Khamenei Orders Direct Strike on Israel 
On the Brink: Possibility of Iran-Israel War Looms 
White House Claims No Knowledge of Strike on Hamas Leader
Surrogates Speak, But Where Is Biden?

Walt's answer to BN 's question: Biden's hidin'!
No doubt Senile Joe is wondering if maybe he should have resigned the presidensity as well as his moribund candidacy. I, for one, am glad his finger, rather than Hawk Tuah's, is on the panic button. Chances are he'll be too tired or shy to press it!

Let me get to the Armageddon part. Safe in my bunker just up the road from Fort Mudge, I have been thinking about what Sacred Scipture has to say about the Last Days. If Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's Supreme Leader, truly desires to immanentize the eschaton, he's certainly got his sights fixed on the right target. 

Use this map to keep track to keep track of the latest news from the Muddle East. All the key places are there: Jerusalem, Gaza, Damascus, and -- indicated with the red marker -- a little place called Megiddo.

That's "Megiddo" as in "Mount Megiddo", which is not really a mountain but a "tell", a city built on top of a city built on top of another city, and so on for 5000 years. 

During the Bronze Age, Megiddo was an important Canaanite city-state. During the Iron Age, it was a royal city in the Kingdom of Israel.

Megiddo is mentioned only once in the New Testament of the Bible, but has sixteen mentions in the Old Testament, notably in Chapters 4 and 5 of the book of Judges.

Amont the judges, the only female, and the only one to be called a prophet is Deborah (aka Debbora), a decisive figure in the defeat of the Canaanites. This is a victory told in two accounts, a prose narrative in Judges 4 and a poem, known as the Song of Deborah, in Judges 5. At Judges 4:6 "she sent and called Barac [aka Barak!!! Ed.]...and said to him: The Lord God of Israel hath commanded thee: Go, and lead an army." 

And so he did. In the 15th century B.C., God gave the victory at the battle of Megiddo (Judges 5:19) through those who are willing to follow His lead. Deborah sings her song boldly to the Lord Himself (Judges 5:1–4). She is echoed by Barak and the people of Israel. She describes God as moving from outside of the land of Canaan into the land, bringing earthquakes and rainstorms with Him.

For Christians the word Megiddo is synonymous with the end of the world as mentioned in the Apocalypse or Saint John the Apostle (aka the Book of Revelation) 16:16. Other battles, besides the one mentioned in Judges, were fought at Megiddo, as recently as World War I. "Har-Megiddo" (Hebrew for the "mount" of "mountain" of Megiddo) or Armageddon, will be the site of the Final Battle.

At that time, according to Apocalypse 6:1-8, the God will have released onto the world four horsement, which we now call the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

The Four Horsemen appear with the opening of the first four of the seven seals that bring forth the cataclysm of the Apocalypse. 

The first horseman, a conqueror with a bow and crown, rides a white horse.

The second horseman is given a great sword and rides a red horse, symbolizing war and bloodshed.

The third carries a balance scale, rides a black horse, and symbolizes famine, one might think the Four Horsemen 

The fourth horseman rides a pale horse and is identified as Death.

Looking at what's happening in the Holy Land (or once-holy land) are here already. Are we now witnessing the Final Battle? I'm afraid to repeat my usual "Stay tuned."

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