Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Signs of the inflationary times

So, farewell, then, to penny postage. The humble one-cent stamp, along with 2s, 3s, 4s and other practically worthless values have been quietly discontinued ["cancelled"? Geddit? Ed.] by Canada Post.

A hundred years ago, a one-cent stamp, with the likeness of George V, the Sailor King, was all you needed to send a postcard a mari usque ad mare -- from Squamish BC, let's say, to Dildo NL.

Today, that would cost you, for just one stamp, C$1.15 (84 cents in real money)... plus sales tax! Can you, dear American reader, imagine having to pay tax on postage stamps? If you're foolish enough to move to Canuckistan when Donald Trump is re-elected, that's what you'll have to do to help pay for Trudeau's refugee-friendly welfare state.

That $1.15, by the way, covers the postage -- still just one cent -- plus $1.14 for storage!

A hundred years ago, you could have paid for your one-cent stamp with a copper -- well, copper-coloured -- one cent coin, affectionately known as a penny. The pennies of that time were roughly the size of a modern US penny, but to numismatists they are known as "small cents", being about half the size of the "large cents" -- roughly the same as a British half-penny -- which had preceded them.

Alas, you can no longer find a Canadian penny to pay for a one-cent stamp. As Walt reported in "Canada doesn't make cents any more" (WWW 20/12/12), one-cent coins were declared surplus to requirements in 2012, since they would no longer purchase a single thing, not even a single stamp, which would have cost, including the sales tax, 1.15 cents.

I tell you this sad tale, Canadian readers, to remind you how, under a succession of Liberal (and sometimes Cuckservative) governments, your beaverbucks have become "progressively" (geddit?) devalued. 

Dear American readers, you need not be so smug because (you might say) you still have one-cent stamps and your precious pennies, not to mention dollar bills, which Canada doesn't have either. The fires of Bidenflation are raging like California [Isn't that where Hock Ptui is from? Ed.] wildfires. Time to put them out with the hose of common cents. Geddit?!

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