Thursday, August 22, 2024

"Kamala Harris has no flavor"

So says Rich Lowry, Editor-in-chief of the National Review, in "Kamala Harris Is Wafer Thin", 21/8/24. Absent permission to repost the entire article, we hope Mr Lowry won't mind us quoting these key passages.

It is appropriate that Kamala Harris is from the town of Oakland, Calif., of which it was famously said there was no there there. 

It is hard to think of another presidential nominee who has felt so utterly superficial — not as a campaign tactic, but as a reality. She has no flavor. 

She’s woke but doesn’t embrace being woke; her policies are socialistic although she’s not a self-declared socialist; she’s a tough law-and-order prosecutor, except when she’s not. 

She’s not a party institutionalist like Bob Dole, finally rewarded with his party’s nomination after decades of service, or a “maverick” like John McCain, who, after years being in the wilderness, finally won over his party (temporarily). 

Of course, she’s not a Bill Clinton, who rose from relative obscurity based on his unbelievable verbal acuity, charm, and shamelessness that could see him through any fix or scandal. 

No, Kamala Harris feels thin, fragile, and manufactured. The Democrats and their media allies have had the unity and discipline, so far, to pull off a feat that few would dare attempt: to topple a sitting president and create a political phenomenon out of the thinnest of reeds.

Back in the daze, Doonesbury creator Garry Trudeau (no relation) used to depict President Bush  as an askterisk * with nothing behind it. 
Walt thinks that would be highly appropriate for the Cackler.

Note from Ed.: In fairness to Mr Lowry and the National Review, I should point out that the meme above did not accompany the article. And the photo below, taken at the DNC, isn't really to Mr Lowry's point, but is very à propos the whole Dumbocrat campaign. 

Do they take the American people for fools? [Errr... could be. Walt] 

32 days now without a press conference or unscripted interview. See "How Long Can Kamala Harris Avoid the Press?", The Free Press, 22/8/24.

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