Monday, August 26, 2024

More "Allahu akbar!" in Germany... implications for USA and Canada

German chancellor Olaf Scholz said this weekend that his government remains committed to former chancellor Angela Merkel's policy of welcoming foreign invaders "for humanitarian and legal reasons". However, he said "Irregular migration into Germany must go down." Sounds to Walt like sucking and blowing at the same time, but why (I hear you ask) would Herr Scholz speak out in the middle of a quiet summer weekend. Here's a visual clue.

Yes, dear readers, another of those poor persecuted Muslims has done it again. Pictured is someone the polizei and politically correct media refer to as "Issa Al H", a 26-year-old Syrian "refugee". Al stabbed three people to death and wounded 8 others in an attack in Solingen on Friday. It wasn't an accident. The cops say he went for the throat every time.

The authorities (and in Germany that word means a lot) at first wouldn't name the attacker, nor would they speculate on his motive for the atrocity. But once Islamic State/ISIS claimed responsibility for the crime, they decided something had to be said, hence the statement from the Chancellor, who said today, "This was terrorism, terrorism against us all."  

How about that?! A politician with the courage to utter the T-word. But not enough courage to add adjectives such as "Islamic" or "Muslim".

Herr Scholz also said his government would have to do "everything we can to ensure that those who cannot and should not stay here in Germany are repatriated and deported" and that deportations would be sped up if necessary. He also promised to tighten laws on weapons ownership -- not "guns" but "weapons"-- "very quickly". 

This latest incident of wanton terrorism by a jihadi wannabe exacerates an already heated debate in das Vaterland about the merits (if any) of migration. On Saturday, conservative opposition leader Friedrich Merz demanded an end to taking in refugees from Syria and Afghanistan and called for controls on all of Germany’s borders. 


More significantly, Alice Weidel, leader of the Alternativ für Deutschland (AfD), has gone a step further and wants a complete stop to all migration. Any honest opinion poll [an oxymoron for sure. Ed.] would show the majority of Germans (as well as citizens of the AABC countries) in partial or full agreement with that proposition. 

The centre-left government of Chancellor Scholz has already pledged to deport migrants who have committed serious crimes and people whose application for asylum has been rejected. But it would appear that they have entrusted the job to the  German equivalent of America's "border czar", as very few of the benefits-shoppers have actually been sent back to their shitholes.

Mr Al-Stabby there came to Germany in 2022 as a Syrian "refugee". Usually Syrians have a good chance of being granted asylum in Germany, but his application was rejected and he was ordered to be deported to Bulgaria, because he had already registered for asylum there. But when the polizei tried to deport him, they were shocked, shocked to be unable to find him, and he remained in Germany. 

As I write I am waiting for results from yesterday's election in Saxony and Thuringia, two large eastern German states whose people are said to be less welcoming to invaders than the more liberal volk of western Germany. The AfD is expected to do well and may even win the most votes. America's Dimocrats and Canada's Gliberals should... repeat, should... take note.

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