Wednesday, August 21, 2024

MUSIC VIDEO: Tuba Skinny: "Till We Meet Again"

Ed. here. It's been years, literally, since we posted a music video, just for the joy of it. Walt thinks we should put up a few between now and November 5th, to give you, dear readers, an umbrella with which to shield yourselves from the shitstorm.

Today we're featuring Walt's Tuba Skinny, Walt's favourite New Orleans jazz band. (We can't say "Dixieland" any more!) Here they are on Royal Street, on 14 January 2019. The talented and versatile Shay Cohn leads the band, and Jonathan Doyle does a tasty tenor sax solo.


Many Canadians will remember this fine old tune, played as the closing theme on "Don Messer's Jubilee", back in the daze when the Canadian Broadcorping Castration had programmes for real people. It sounds very different here but no less enjoyable.

The music was written in 1918 by Richard A. Whiting, with lyrics by Raymond B. Egan. The song tells of the parting of a soldier and his sweetheart. The title comes from the final line of the chorus: 

Smile the while you kiss me sad adieu, 
When the clouds roll by I'll come to you. 
Then the skies will seem more blue, 
Down in lovers lane my dearie, 
Wedding bells will ring so merrily, 
Every tear will be a memory, 
So wait and pray each night for me, 
Till we meet again.

Walt dedicates this to Agent 1.

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