Friday, August 2, 2024

VIDEO: Wandering Joe: Can anyone explain what happened here?

The following video was posted on "X" at 0927 EDT today. Watch in real time as the still-President of the United States of America disappears for two full minutes, with no excuse or explanation.

Ed. has been unable to find details of where or when this was shot, but it looks like an airport -- maybe DCA or IAD -- and may have been last night, following the made-for-TV prisoner swap with the Russians, which the lickspittle media are already hailing as the crowning achievement of the Biden presidensity.

Agent 3, who sent this to us, has some questions.
Did Hock Ptui (the whitish, long-haired person at Senile Joe's left) simply let go of him, hoping he would wander off into the night and never be seen again?
Did Brandon need for a bathroom break and mistake the plane for a port-a-potty?
When he re-emerged, did he think he'd flown to a different place? Is that why he thanked the crowd(ish) for being there?

Readers are invited to write their own guesses on the back of a postage stamp and mail it to Walt at the usual address. We might send a t-shirt to the most creative response. [Maybe not. Ed.]

But wait. Walt has three more questions.

Mr Biden handed the keys to the campaign bus to Ms Harris, but apparently didn't feel she was ready to assume the office of POTUS. So, he's still in command. What would have happened if there had been an emergency -- an Islamic terror attack, say -- while Joe was wherever he was?

And speaking of Hock Ptui, where has she been lately? She bailed on the National Association of Black Journalists annual meeting, and for twelve (12) days hasn't appeared at any venue where she could be asked questions of otherwise challenged to say something sensible. 

Could it be that Ms Harris has not yet been fully programmed by the operators (Hello, Barack and George!) to take over as President of America and Leader of the Free World (TM)? Americans should be told! 

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