Wednesday, August 7, 2024

US election fun with figures

Number of days since since the powers behind the Democratic Party pulled Senile Joe out of the race for the presidensity and (rather undemocratically) rang in the second-stringer:


Number of interviews given by Hock Ptui since then:


She has given a few speeches, in which she has repeated the same script — first to campaign headquarters, then to party supporters in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where she introduced running mate Timmy Walz on Tuesday.

Her only unscripted remarks came last week at Andrews Air Force Base, when she joined the President-in-name-only to welcome Americans who had been freedom from Russia in a prisoner swap. *** 

In her characteristic style, the World's Most Famous Quadroon [a person who is 1/4 black by descent. Ed.] made circular remarks about "the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy."

Selected, not elected!

*** If you didn't hear about what happened at Andrews AFB that night, check out the "Wandering Joe" video posted on WWW 2/824.

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