Tuesday, October 15, 2024

VIDEO: Matt Taibbi and Walt talk about Tampon Tim and man stuff

This is a follow-up to "The video challenging 'real men' to vote for Harris", WWW 11/10/24. It seems that the Awalz part of the Dumbocrat campaign is tasked with bringing in the vote of "real men" -- blue-collar workers with hairy chests and sweaty balls. Joe Sixpack, the Marlboro Man, Dirty Harry -- those guys. That was what that "Man enough" ad was all about.

Now there's another one, produced by the same people, called "And Tim", featuring Tampon Timmy Walz, the Great Manly Hunter. It's even funnier than the previous one, and in this vlog, Matt Taibbi and Walter Kim [no relation to Walt Whiteman. Ed.] explain why.  It's a looooong video, but after five minutes you'll want to watch the whole thing.

I wondered, as I watched it, if there's something wrong (physically) with Matt Taibbi. (His mental acuity is obviously fine.) I stopped following MT when he wrote Smells Like Dead Elephants, but have started paying attention again now that he has come over to our side.

I note that Mr Taibbi is wearing a baseball cap, and his voice sounds kinda shaky. I wonder if he is suffering from some disease. Could be cancer. Chemotherapy would cause him to lose his hair. Or, given his sexual orientation, it could be HIV-AIDS. Hmmm. I wouldn't wish such things on anyone, and wish Matt a good recovery from whatever's ailing him.

Put your baseball bat back beside the door

Over the last decade, Walt has noticed a significant decrease in the numbers of Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and other Bible-thumpers banging on the door of our cabin in the pines. But just when we thought it was safe to replace the "barking dog" doorbell ring with the traditional "Avon lady", this started.

Friday, October 11, 2024

UPDATED: The VIDEO challenging "real men" to vote for Harris

The leftist group "Vote Save America" dropped this really strange video this weekend, apparently in an attempt to persuade "real male" voters to support Kamela Harris, whose polling numbers of the cubic public demographic are almost as low as the Cackler's IQ.

The cringe-worthy ad, directed by Jacob Reed, who formally worked on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, dares the viewer to compare himself to "real men" who are "man enough to fight a bear, eat a carburetor, and elect a woman. How about you?"

The Dumbocrats are likely already trying to figure out how to get it off the Internet, but as we all know, once something is posted, it floats out there in the ether forever. Although the year isn't over yet, this unintentionally hilarious screen gem is hereby nominated for a special Wally Award, title to be determined.

UPDATE ADDED 14/10/24: Also from the Bee: "Kamala Campaign Forced To Hire Gay Actors For Ad After Being Unable To Find Any Straight Male Kamala Supporters", Babylon Bee, 12/10/24.

Question for the Cackler's campaign team: Do you think you're doing her any favours by making voters ROFL?

VIDEO: "Unburdened" by the first clue

What you can't see in the video clips is the big key sticking out of her back. Wind her up and she reapeats this vapid, meaningless catchphrase... again and again and again and... ad nauseam. [That's Latin for sick-making ad. Ed.]

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Montréal Canadiens' October surprise!

WWW's National Sports (As Long As It's Hockey) Editor, Poor Len Canayen, does a bit of gloating.

Tank youse, Hed. It was a wonderful night au Centre Bell for fans of the Bleu, Blanc et Rouge, as the Canadiens started the 2024-25 season by shutting out the Toronto Maple Leafs 1-0. It was the first time the Laffs had lost a 1-0 season opener since 1957, when they were edged by the Blackhawks at Chicago Stadium.

Here's what may be the best hockey action picture of the year [Already? Ed.], as Juraj Slafkovsky shows off his Slavic heritage in front of Leafs' surprise starter, Anthony Stolarz, while Habs captain Nick Suzuki keeps his eye on the puck. 

Slafkovsky and Kirby "Doc" Dach assisted on the Canadiens' winning (and only) goal, scored by the inevitable Cole Caufield on a perfectly executied tic-tac-toe power play at 7:48 of the first period. It was Caufield's 150th career point in his 206th game, making him the fastest Canadien to reach that mark since Saku Koivu in 1997-98.

Goalie Sam "Monty" Montembeault looked as if his third season with the Habs might be the breakout year in which he becomes recognized as a worthy successor to Carey Price. He became the seventh Canadiens goaltender to post a shutout in a season-opening game. Jacques Plante was the only other to do it against the Maple Leafs -- twice, on 6/10/55 and 5/10/60. 

Midway through the second period, Montembeault flashed the leather with a glove save on a one-timer from the slot by Maple Leafs sniper Auston Matthews, who, along with former Hab Max Pacioretty, was booed every time he was on the ice. Monty's 47th save of the night was on another Matthews chance from the slot in the dying seconds of a great game.

So far, my prediction for this season semble pas trop pire, eh!

VIDEO: Why you're not seeing much of the Cackler on TV - Part II

As Victor Davis Hanson was saying -- along with Kamala Harris's advisors -- the Cackler's campaign managers would do well to keep her off TV. The reason is simple. She has an oral problem. No, not that one. I mean she can't open her mouth without uttering horrible examples of incoherent inanity.

Here's yet anoterh video proof. Megyn Kelly discusses how terribly Hock Ptui did during a recent interview on 60 Minutes. "Nice guy" CBS host Bill Whitaker did his damndest to make it easy for her, but his softball questions couldn't help but draw attention to her total inability to answer for the very good reasons that she appears not to actually know anything. Watch and cringe.

That's all for today, campers, but... stay tuned!

FURTHER READING (added at 1400): Click here for details of CBS' disgraceful editing of the Cackler's latest dumpster fire TV appearance on 60 Minutes
Lede: "The storm over the outrageously unethical behavior at CBS News rages on with the discovery that the disgraced 60 Minutes aired sitting Vice President Kamala Harris giving two completely different answers to the same question about Israel. The original answer aired by CBS added to the criticism that Harris is an empty pantsuit only capable of trying to sound like she knows what she’s talking about through a word salad of dumb."

VIDEOS: Why you're not seeing much of the Cackler on TV

Walt has returned. Except for reports on Hurricane Milton, not much news from the Excited States of America penetrated the World's Longest Totally Undefended Border (TM). The reason for that is that the American fake news networks were preoccupied with Milton, and using it as an excuse to not cover the basement campaign of Hock Ptui. Victor Davis Hanson explains why the Cackler is in hiding and the potential effect on the Day of Reckoning, now just 3 1/2 weeks away.

A quick word on hurricane relief efforts. As the cost of fixing the damage caused by Hurricana Helene rose into the multi-billions of dollars, Alejandro Mayorkas, Director of the Department of Homeland Security, which is theoretically in charge of co-ordinating emergency response, said FEMA had enough money to get the job done, but not enough to cover the next big blow, which (too bad for Mayor Asskiss) was only days in the offing.

Where did all the money go? President Trump said FEMA stole a billion dollars to pass out to the millions of illegal immigrants which DHS let into the US of A on the Biden-Harris watch. See "Feds say there’s no money left to respond to hurricanes — after FEMA spent $1.4B on migrants" NY Post, 3/10/24. 

Of course the lickspittle media jumped up in unison to deny the story and repeat Mr Mayorkas' flip-flop. See "Mayorkas says FEMA has no more disaster funds, but IG report says agency is sitting on billions" Fox Business, 7/10/24. Now they're saying not to worry because there's loads of money in the kitty after all. And hey, Taylor Swift, has pledged to donate $5 million to aid Milton survivors. So that's all right then.

As the storm receds, expect to see Air Force One and/or Air Force Two doing a flyover any minute now. If you see this picture of the Cackler managing the response from her throne in the air

please understand that it's a total fake, supposedly showing her being briefed on Hurricane Helene relief effors. Wrote DJT: "Another FAKE and STAGED photo from someone who has no clue what she is doing. You have to plug the cord into the phone for it to work!" And please know that it took Ed. over half an hour to locate and download this photo on Google. They're all in this together.

This just in from the Daily Mail (UK): "Kamala Harris accused of being 'fed questions' in bizarre Hurricane Milton briefing moment"

Walt's question: Who's feeding her the lines. Could it be the Prez himself?

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Gone to the land of the maple leaves

Walt [and Ed., Ed.] are off to the land of the maple leaves [not the Maple Leafs. Ed.] to admire the fall colour, not unadjacent to this beauty spot.

We will be back on Thursday, D.V.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Lie down with dogs and you get up with fleas!

Looks like we have to give Tampon Timmy Walz, the Dimocrats' candidate for the vice-presidensity, credit for standing by his friends, even if it hurts him in his quest to be heartbeat away from power. 

This photo appeared in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune on 7 May 2019. 

It shows Governor Awalz hosting Iftar, the fast-breaking evening meal in the evening for Muslims during Ramadan, at his residence in Minneapolis.

Over five years later, Timmy is still tight with the followers of the Religion of Peace (TM). Las night, he participated in an online meeting organized by Emgage Action, a Muslim American activist group that recently endorsed the Cackler. 

"As-Salaam-Alaikum," he said on the group call, using the Arabic greeting, before he offered an open door to Muslim and Arab voters. According to Reuters, Mr Walz said: "Vice President Harris and I are committed that this White House… will continue to condemn in all forms anti-Islam, anti-Arab sentiments being led by Donald Trump, but more importantly, a commitment that Muslims will be engaged in this administration and serve side by side."

No other religions were mentioned in the same segment with guarantees of similar access to a Harris administration. Don't say you weren't warned.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

One thing Trump could do to guarantee his election

Before I get to that... Yesterday I churlishly remarked on the resemblance between the physiognomy of Tampon Tim Walz and that of Rugor Nass, the boss of the underwater kingdom of Otoh Gunga, in the first episode of Star Wars. But I failed to notice how much Senator J.D. Vance looks like a fomer Republican president.

Yes, campers, it's President U.S. Grant! Thanks to Bill O'Reilly for point this out. If you're running for the presidensity, it's good to look presidential, as does the man who would rise to the position if (God forbid!) anything should happen to President Trump.

Before Senile Joe was forced by the Obama cabal to step down, questions were being raised about whether the Donald was all that sharp and fit for office. He says he's in good physical and mental health, and his doctors say the same, but there are skeptics. And it cannot be denied that Mr Trump is getting up in years. He's nearly as old as Walt!

Agent 3 has put his legal mind to work and has come up with a surefire response to those who worry that the cheese might slip off President Trump's cracker sometime over the next 52 months. What he should do (3 says) is, at his next rally, read aloud the following pledge.

"I, Donald Jonathan Trump, being of sound mind and recognizing my human frailty, hereby pledge that, in the event of physical and/or mental infirmity rendering me, in the opinion of my Cabinet and advisors, unfit to carry out the duties of President of the United States of America, I will immediately resign and hand the Office of President over to Vice-President J.D. Vance. So help me God."

He should then sign the document with a flourish [not a pen? Ed.], hand it to Senator Vance, and post it publicly. That should shut reassure the doubtful and shut the naysayers up. Readers are welcome to foward this post to President Trump, with our best wishes.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Walt reviews the Great Veep Debate

Poor Len Canayen and I watched last night’s vice-presidential debate between Senator J.D. Vance and Governor Tim Walz, and I want you to know we gave up a pretty scrappy game between the Habs and the Ottawa Senators to do so. We were hoping for a good scrap between J.D. and Mr Awalz, but were surprised when it turned out to be a pretty good -- and reasonably cordial -- debate.

No knock-out punches were thrown. There wasn't even a little light sparring. In fact, issues and ideas were put forward, some concessions were made, and a certain level of agreement was reached on a couple of topics. My overall impression was that these candidates for the second-highest office in the Excited States of America looked and sounded far more worthy than the two we saw last month.

Some of you are going to hate me for this [As if you care. Ed.] but I want to start with appearances. Elections aren't supposed to be beauty contests, eh, but people do make judgments like "He looks like the kind of guy you could have a beer with" or "I just can't see him/her as [fill in office]."

Tampon Tim, with his jowls and wide mouth turned down at the corners, reminds me of Rugor Nass, the boss of the underwater kingdom of Otoh Gunga, in the first episode of Star Wars. Sorry. Senator Vance, with his square jaw, neatly trimmed beard and perfect-but-not-too-perfect hair, is straight out of Central Casting.

OK, forget about that. Once you stopped looking and started listening, the match became more even. The two men spent more time attacking the other's running mate than each other during 90-plus minutes. Governor Walz had a shaky start but hit his stride when talking about abortion and the so-called "Capitol riot". Overall, though, Senator Vance came off as the better-prepared and more polished public speaker. The consensus of even the lickspittle media is that he was the winner in a relatively clean and friendly contest.

Both candidates tried to portray themselves as down-home boys. (Arentcha sick and tired of "I was raised in a middle-class family."?) Mr Walz, with all his talk of "my farmers" and "we grow corn and soybeans", over-egged the custard. Mr Vance did better with his stories of the problems of his family and other real people that will be remembered from his book.

Senator Vance seemed much more comfortable. His answers were smooth, and relentlessly on-message, constantly reminding the audience that for all of Vice-President Harris's promises, Democrats have held the White House for the past three and a half years and have done next to nothing about the problems which the Cackler now says she has a plan to fix. "If Kamala Harris has such great plans for how to address middle class problems," he said, "then she ought to do them now."

If Senator Vance was picked because he puts ideological meat on the bones of President Trump's conservative populism, on Tuesday night he put a polite, humble face on them, as well. One of his better lines was, "Something these guys do is they make a lot of claims about if Donald Trump becomes president, all of these terrible consequences are going to ensue. But in reality, Donald Trump was president. Inflation was low. Take-home pay was higher." 

It wasn't long before the CBS wimmin moderators violated their own rules and started in fact-checking Mr Vance. At one point, the microphones of both candidates were temporarily muted. But for the most part, the exchanges on stage were even-tempered. Indeed, there were several moments when the two men agreed on issues, if not on how the issues should be dealt with. Toward the end, Gov. Walz said, "There’s a lot of commonality here."

There was, however, an unpleasant moment when Timmy said the only reason Mike Pence was not at the podium occupied by Senator Vance was that he certified President Joe Biden’s victory, for which Republicans wanted to hang him!  Mr Vance missed a golden opportunity to reply that the only reason Mr Walz was the Democratic candidate is that Ms Harris didn't want a Jew as a running mate, for fear of blowing [Geddit? Ed.] the Arab-Muslim vote.

That said, Mr Walz showed some of the mid-western charm -- he knows which end of the straw to put in his mouth -- that the Dimocrats hope will counter the Cackler's California brass. He didn't do the Dems any harm. 

Senator Vance's strong showing is likely to convince a lot of those precious undecided voters, and boost Republicans polling numbers in the days ahead. Moreover, his polished and relatable performance may well convince members of the GOP that the junior senator from Ohio -- two decades younger than Timmy -- has a future in national conservative politics, no matter what happens on the Day of Reckoning. Ed. is already composing a headline on the theme of "Vance ascendant".

In conclusion, I'll repeat what I wrote about 24 hours ago. When you vote, you're electing not just a president, but the person who will succeed her/him in the event of his/her death. Which of these men would you trust to sit in the Oval Office, with his hands on the levers of power? Well???

VIDEO: Scotty Kilmer calls out Stellantis' crappy cars

Agent 6 thinks Scotty Kilmer does the best vlog in America on cars and all the stuff that car guys love. He's been a mechanic for 56 years and talks about cars straight from the shoulder, without doing infomercials for any particular product or service. 

A couple of days ago, prompted by Stellantis' announcement that it's ending the Jeep and Ram lines, and firing 1000s of workers, Mr Kilmer threw a ton of shade on Jeep and Ram and the whole Stellantis line. 

Here's Scotty's rant, answering such questions as: Is Jeep reliable? Are Jeeps good cars? Is Ram worth it? Should I buy a Jeep? Are Jeeps worth the money? He also has something to say about the Harris-Biden runaway inflation and Stellantis' plan to move more jobs to Canada. 

Agent 6, who sent us the link to this video, sez: "Scotty is quite the raconteur! There is a recall/bulletin about parking electric Jeeps in a garage. DON’T! Don’t understand why there should be so many battery fires, and engineers not recognizing the potential for fire during the design process. All battery items seem to have the potential to burst into flames….from EV bikes, laptops, cellphones, and vehicles!"

Walt was a big Chrysler fan back in the hippy-dippy `60s. I owned cars with badges like Plymouth, Dodge, and Valiant, most of them with hyuge V8 engines. Where are those fine cars now? Not in my garage, that's for sure.

In conclusion, and by way of a trip down Memory Lane, here's a clipping from a brochure for the `62 Imperial line. Note the prices.

"They don't make `em like that any more!" was never truer. Sic transit gloria mundi. [Geddit? Ed.]

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

MUSIC VIDEOS: By request from Governor Timmy Awalz

This is a very special day for Tampon Tim. He became familiar with this tune while teaching in the People's Republic of China in 1989. He apparently still has fond memories of those days, for he still supports Communist policies like unrestricted abortion and abolition of private gun ownership. If Timmy has his way, one day such progressive policies will be in force -- and I do mean force -- in the US of A.

I'm having trouble imagining the Star Spangled Banner played on Chinese instruments. However, Ed. has located this video of an American high school band -- not sure if they're in Minnesota or somewhere else -- learning to play the Chinese anthem.


Dear American readers, you'll get a chance to hear more about what Mr Awalz and the Cackler have in mind for your country tonight at 2100 EDT, when the No. 2 Democrat faces off against Senator J.D. Vance in the Great Veep Debate. 

As you listen, think about this. When you vote, you're electing not just a president, but the person who will succeed her/him in the event of his/her death. Which of these men would you trust to sit in the Oval Office, with his hands on the levers of power? Well???