Thursday, October 10, 2024

VIDEOS: Why you're not seeing much of the Cackler on TV

Walt has returned. Except for reports on Hurricane Milton, not much news from the Excited States of America penetrated the World's Longest Totally Undefended Border (TM). The reason for that is that the American fake news networks were preoccupied with Milton, and using it as an excuse to not cover the basement campaign of Hock Ptui. Victor Davis Hanson explains why the Cackler is in hiding and the potential effect on the Day of Reckoning, now just 3 1/2 weeks away.

A quick word on hurricane relief efforts. As the cost of fixing the damage caused by Hurricana Helene rose into the multi-billions of dollars, Alejandro Mayorkas, Director of the Department of Homeland Security, which is theoretically in charge of co-ordinating emergency response, said FEMA had enough money to get the job done, but not enough to cover the next big blow, which (too bad for Mayor Asskiss) was only days in the offing.

Where did all the money go? President Trump said FEMA stole a billion dollars to pass out to the millions of illegal immigrants which DHS let into the US of A on the Biden-Harris watch. See "Feds say there’s no money left to respond to hurricanes — after FEMA spent $1.4B on migrants" NY Post, 3/10/24. 

Of course the lickspittle media jumped up in unison to deny the story and repeat Mr Mayorkas' flip-flop. See "Mayorkas says FEMA has no more disaster funds, but IG report says agency is sitting on billions" Fox Business, 7/10/24. Now they're saying not to worry because there's loads of money in the kitty after all. And hey, Taylor Swift, has pledged to donate $5 million to aid Milton survivors. So that's all right then.

As the storm receds, expect to see Air Force One and/or Air Force Two doing a flyover any minute now. If you see this picture of the Cackler managing the response from her throne in the air

please understand that it's a total fake, supposedly showing her being briefed on Hurricane Helene relief effors. Wrote DJT: "Another FAKE and STAGED photo from someone who has no clue what she is doing. You have to plug the cord into the phone for it to work!" And please know that it took Ed. over half an hour to locate and download this photo on Google. They're all in this together.

This just in from the Daily Mail (UK): "Kamala Harris accused of being 'fed questions' in bizarre Hurricane Milton briefing moment"

Walt's question: Who's feeding her the lines. Could it be the Prez himself?

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