Thursday, October 3, 2024

One thing Trump could do to guarantee his election

Before I get to that... Yesterday I churlishly remarked on the resemblance between the physiognomy of Tampon Tim Walz and that of Rugor Nass, the boss of the underwater kingdom of Otoh Gunga, in the first episode of Star Wars. But I failed to notice how much Senator J.D. Vance looks like a fomer Republican president.

Yes, campers, it's President U.S. Grant! Thanks to Bill O'Reilly for point this out. If you're running for the presidensity, it's good to look presidential, as does the man who would rise to the position if (God forbid!) anything should happen to President Trump.

Before Senile Joe was forced by the Obama cabal to step down, questions were being raised about whether the Donald was all that sharp and fit for office. He says he's in good physical and mental health, and his doctors say the same, but there are skeptics. And it cannot be denied that Mr Trump is getting up in years. He's nearly as old as Walt!

Agent 3 has put his legal mind to work and has come up with a surefire response to those who worry that the cheese might slip off President Trump's cracker sometime over the next 52 months. What he should do (3 says) is, at his next rally, read aloud the following pledge.

"I, Donald Jonathan Trump, being of sound mind and recognizing my human frailty, hereby pledge that, in the event of physical and/or mental infirmity rendering me, in the opinion of my Cabinet and advisors, unfit to carry out the duties of President of the United States of America, I will immediately resign and hand the Office of President over to Vice-President J.D. Vance. So help me God."

He should then sign the document with a flourish [not a pen? Ed.], hand it to Senator Vance, and post it publicly. That should shut reassure the doubtful and shut the naysayers up. Readers are welcome to foward this post to President Trump, with our best wishes.

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