Tuesday, October 15, 2024

VIDEO: Matt Taibbi and Walt talk about Tampon Tim and man stuff

This is a follow-up to "The video challenging 'real men' to vote for Harris", WWW 11/10/24. It seems that the Awalz part of the Dumbocrat campaign is tasked with bringing in the vote of "real men" -- blue-collar workers with hairy chests and sweaty balls. Joe Sixpack, the Marlboro Man, Dirty Harry -- those guys. That was what that "Man enough" ad was all about.

Now there's another one, produced by the same people, called "And Tim", featuring Tampon Timmy Walz, the Great Manly Hunter. It's even funnier than the previous one, and in this vlog, Matt Taibbi and Walter Kim [no relation to Walt Whiteman. Ed.] explain why.  It's a looooong video, but after five minutes you'll want to watch the whole thing.

I wondered, as I watched it, if there's something wrong (physically) with Matt Taibbi. (His mental acuity is obviously fine.) I stopped following MT when he wrote Smells Like Dead Elephants, but have started paying attention again now that he has come over to our side.

I note that Mr Taibbi is wearing a baseball cap, and his voice sounds kinda shaky. I wonder if he is suffering from some disease. Could be cancer. Chemotherapy would cause him to lose his hair. Or, given his sexual orientation, it could be HIV-AIDS. Hmmm. I wouldn't wish such things on anyone, and wish Matt a good recovery from whatever's ailing him.

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