Saturday, June 22, 2024

On the collection of horse semen for artificial insemination

Some time ago, Walt visited a farm where racehorses are bred and raised, and witnessed the procedure by which semen is collected from studs without the necessity of having to get them to mount a likely filly. The ejaculate is collected in an artificial vagina (AV). 

Several well-designed AVs are available, each with its own pros and cons, so AV selection is based on specific requirements and personal preference. AVs have also been homemade by users to meet their specific needs. 

Someone who should consider buying or making an AV is Cirilo Castillo, of Hidalgo County, Texas. Court records shared bv Breitbart News revealed that sheriff’s deputies arrested  the 54-year-old US citizen [noted to avoid comments about those damn border-jumpers. Ed.] at a ranch near Edinburg TX, after the owner caught him standing in a chair having sex with a white mare. 

He faces two counts of criminal trespass and two counts of bestiality. Walt wonders if he would have got away with it had the mare been coloured.

The ranch-owner said she recognized Senor Castillo immediately, as he had broken into her property in the past to have sex with her horse. At that time, the property owner caught him on video as he fled the ranch while trying to pull his pants up after raping another mare.

Senor Castillo has form (as we say at the track) for that sort of thing. He is currently awaiting trial on a separate bestiality charge from 2022 when the Texas Southwestern Cattle Association arrested him for allegedly breaking into a ranch in a rural area between the cities of Alamo and San Juan, where the property owners claim he sexually assaulted their mares, on several occasions. 

But wait (as Vince Offer used to say), there's more! Way back in 2015, Breitbart Texas reported that the same man tried to rape a horse only to be kicked by the animal. When the property owner said she went to feed her animals, she found Castillo on the floor with a broken leg. Authorities arrested him and took him to a local hospital for treatment. 

And there's still more! In 2013, Senor Castillo broke into a local ranch in Edinburg several times and sexually assaulted a mare named India. Sheriff’s office officials revealed to Breitbart Texas at the time that Castillo performed various deviant acts on his equine victims, including kissing them on the mouth and performing oral sex on them before getting on top of a chair and having intercourse with them.

Further reading: Those interested in bestiality may enter the word in the WWW search window. There you will find a number of posts showing that animal lovers (in the worst sense of the phrase) may be found all over the world. One man with a fondness for miniature ponies was convicted in Canada just under two years ago. Not wanting to harm an animal, the man had brought an AV with him!

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