Wednesday, June 26, 2024

A slogan for the coming elections

If you're white (like Walt!) and have children and grandchildren (like Walt!), you're probably worried (or should be!) about what the future holds for your progeny... and offspring too. 

Pierre-Nicolas Nups of le Parti de lad France (the Party of France), a rightist grouping allied with Marine Le Pen in Sunday's election, has unveiled a poster which you may want to adapt for use in the November election for the presidensity, and the next election in Canuckistan. (It's got to happen sometime.) How do you like this?
For those4 unfamiliar with the language of Molière, the text reads "Let's give a future to white children". 

The pinko mayor of Neuves-Maisons, where M Nups is running, calls the poster... wait for it... "racist" and has threatened M Nups with persecution prosecution. To which the candidate replied, "I approved this poster. It is neither sectarian nor exclusive. On the contrary, it delivers a positive message, a message of hope for our youth, and nothing else. And if anyone sees anything else in it, it would be a malicious interpretation."*

Nous lui souhaitons bonne chance!

* Reported in the (UK) Daily Mail.

Note from Ed.: Walt is making popcorn in anticipation of tomorrow's rigged non-debate. CNN has nailed the puck firmly to Senile Joe's still, but can Hunter's dad remember the shtick? Walt will give his thoughts on Friday, if he's awake by then.

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