Friday, June 21, 2024

Judge Judy says hush money show trial should haver have happened

Agent 3, who reckons that "Judge Judy" Sheindlin must have gone to law school about the same time as he did, saw her on CNN's "Who's Talking With Chris Wallace" a couple of hours ago. "It's too bad [he writes] that President Trump wasn't tried by America's favourite judge, rather than Judge Doom Merchan."

Why does 3 say that? Because Judge Judy thinks that the hush money show trial should never have happened.

"You gotta twist yourself into a pretzel," the learned judge told Mr Wallace, "to figure out what the crime was. [D.A. Alvin] Bragg doesn’t like him. New York City didn’t like him for a while. 

[But] I would be happier, as someone who owns property in Manhattan, if the district attorney of New York County would take care of criminals who were making it impossible for citizens to walk in the streets and use the subway, to use his efforts to keep those people off the street, than to spend $5 million or $10 million of taxpayers’ money trying Donald Trump on this nonsense."

It's not that Judge Judy is a big fan of President Trump. She campaigned for Nikki Haley in the Republican primaries earlier this year. In an op-ed written at that time, she said, "I have carefully stayed away from politics for 50 years, except to vote. But times have changed in our country, and I believe the moment has come for me to step out from behind the curtain. I want to speak honestly and from the heart — regardless of the consequences."

Speaking from the heart (we presume) about D.A. Braggart, the judge told Mr Wallace "I, as a taxpayer in this country, resent using the system for your own personal self-aggrandizement."

Agent 3 supposes that Judge Judy's opinion of the first anti-Trump show trial won't be heard officially during the appeals now working their way through the legal system [Is dis a system? Mr Natural], but the judges of appeal will certainly have heard about what she said. "The mills of justice grind slowly, but they grind exceeding fine."

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