Friday, June 7, 2024

BREAKING: "Allahu akbar!" in Copenhagen?

I don't want to be accused [again. Ed.] of jumping to an Islamophobic conclusion, so will just give you what little we've heard via the mojo wire about a dastardly attack in Denmark on the eve of this weekend's elections to the European parliament.

Today in Copenhagen, an otherwise unidentified "male attacker" assaulted Mette Frederiksen, the Prime Minister of Denmark, in Kultorvet Square in central Copenhagen. Given the rather public locale of the attack, we assume it was not a sexual assault. Most likelyit was politically motivated.

Ms Frederiksen, who was out on private business (not campaigning) was said to be "shocked" by the incident, but her office has yet to give any details of her condition. 

In the kind of statement usually associated with the politically correct suppression of news of terrorist attacks, Copenhagen police said, "There has been an incident at Kultorvet this evening involving the prime minister. We have an arrest in the case, which we are now investigating. We currently have no further comments or observations on the matter."

We are left to wonder why, if the coppers already have their man, they are so tight-lipped about his name, ethnicity, religion and possible motive. What kind of person would assault a popular and plain-spoken politician like Ms Frederiksen?

Here's a clue. In September of 2022, Ms Frederiksen said she wanted to close Muslim independent schools and distribute them to state schools. Why? Because they don't promote integration, and have anti-Semitic and terrorist leanings.

Ed. is searching the archives for the meme we usually run with such stories, and will post it as soon as our suspicions are confirmed. Meanwhile, check out our featured stoy, in the sidebar at right.

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