Tuesday, June 4, 2024

35 years ago, in China, this happened...

and this...

Lovers of freedom and liberty rightly condemn The People's Republic [sic] of China abuses of human rights such as the Tiananmen Square massacre. Such abuses continue today, particularly in Xinjiang and Tibet. China doesn't tolerate mass protests any more. Is that so wrong? 

Agent 78 returned recently from a lengthy trip through China. She reports that there no demonstrations or protests like those currently to be seen in just about every Western country, where students, professional malcontents and foreign agitators are in the streets in support of Hamas terrorists,gay "rights", trans "rights",BLM,safe injection sites, yada yada yada. The list of things these scum are in favour of... or fighting against... is a long one, laden with bullshit.

Agent 78 reports that China has no such protests. There are many other things that China doesn't have: 
  • massive encampments of the "unhoused" (read: homeless) 
  • parks and schoolgrounds littered with needles and other drug paraphernalia
  • media which promote and glorify perversion and decadence 
  • daily reports of gun violence, looting (read: "reparations shopping"), and mayhem
  • houses that cost 50 or 100 times what an average worker can afford
  • masses of illigal immigrants swarming through open borders             
and the list goes on. Western society is falling apart. Look around your town or city, dear reader, and ask yourself if a little less "human rights" and a little more law and order wouldn't make things better. Any party or any politician who makes a credible promise [Is there such a thing? Ed.] to clean things up has my vote! MAGA!

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