Friday, June 14, 2024

"Poor, wandering one..."

That's an aria from The Pirates of Penzance, my favourite Gilbert & Sullivan operetta. If I were more skilled at creating videos, I'd dub part of it onto Senile Joe's performance at a sky-diving show in Italy yesterday. Check this out. 

According to the respected Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera, this group of dignataries was watching a demonstration by the Italian Air Force, when the Leader of the Free World (TM) started to wander off to gawd-knows-where. 

"Doctor" Jill Biden apparently didn't notice, so it was up to the horrible right-wing Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, to turn Senile Joe back t the group. Why she bothered is anyone's guess.

Remember when you vote on November 5th that what you see is what you'll get!

Further reading: "Biden’s condition shocks allies at G7 summit, with one saying it’s ‘worst he has ever been’", by Josh Christenson, in the New York Post, 14/6/24.

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