Tuesday, March 16, 2021

VIDEO: Fed-up teacher slams Loudon VA school board's insane racism

Meet Lilit Vanetsyan, a self-described "educator" [Is "teacher" too simple a word for "educators"? Ed.] and reporter with Right Side Broadcasting Network. In only one minute, Ms Vanetsyan exposed the insanity of Marxist critical race theory, as embraced by the Loudoun County (VA) Public Schools.

This "extreme wokeness" (or "woke extremism?") teaches that hidden racism permeates American society, and encourages students to deconstruct the world around them to find hidden racism. Here's what Ms Vanetsyan thinks of it.


Critical race theory is the ideology which fueled the violent Black Lives Matter and antifa riots last summer. "Woke" school districts across the Excited States of America have rushed to get on the reverse racism bandwagon, but few more so than Loudoun County Public Schools, in the suburbs of Virginia, northwest of Washington DC.

For the sake of combatting perceived "systemic racism", the LCPS adopted curriculum from the far-Left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and removed the still-popular Dr. Seuss books from its library shelves. See "Walt wishes Dr Seuss a Belated Happy Birthday" and "'The Cat in the Hat' tops Amazon's US best-seller list", and , both WWW 4/3/21.

The LCPS plan also includes the obligatory "anti-racism training' (read" brainwashing) for teachers. Walt has heard that one of the "modules" is entitled "Guilty! Guilty! Guilty", with the text being a book of the same name by Garry Trudeau.  [Ed., you'd better check this.] 

It is also rumoured that "educators" will be required to instruct their impressionable pupils on how to draft and circulate petitions calling for the renaming of the Loudoun County seat, which happens to be, errr... Leesburg... named after... you know who.

Don't be misled by the self-proclaimed good intentions of the SJWs. In the name of promoting "sensitivity" and "tolerance", critical race theory promotes racism and division

It's not just whites who are targetted. In a statement released on 23 February, the Chinese American Citizens Alliance of Greater New York declared, "Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a hateful, divisive, manipulative fraud. One way or another, CRT wants to get rid of ​too many Asians​ in good schools. Asians are over-represented.​ CRT is today’s Chinese Exclusion Act. CRT is the real ​hate crime​ against Asians....

"CRT appears in our workplaces under the cover of ​implicit bias/sensitivity​ ​training​. It infiltrates our schools pretending to be ​culturally/ethnically responsive​ ​pedagogy​, with curricula such as the New York Times' ​1619 Project​ and Seattle’s ​ethnomathematics​. From its very roots, CRT is racist, repressive, discriminatory, and divisive."

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