Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Liberal pro-queer agenda working; 1000s of young peoople converted!

For years now, Walt and many others have been saying that the liberal elites and their lickspittle media have a not-so-secret "pro-queer agenda".

Every day, susceptible young people are bombarded with the message that it's not just OK, but cool to be gay. That's why you have characters like Raj and Howard in Big Bang Theory, the most pervasive... and unfunny... sitcom on TV. 

The point seems to be to reduce the white population of the West, by swelling the ranks (f not the members) of the heterosexual populace. Whities are, of course, the only ones swallowing this falling for this since nonsense.

But falling for it they are. According to a Gallup survey published last week, 5.6% of Americans now identify as LGBTQ2Setcetc, up from 4.5% in a survey done in 2017. But it's not oldies like Walt and Poor Len [and Ed.! Ed.] who are pushing the numbers up. Gallup says liberals, young people, and women skew more heavily towards LGBT identity. [That would explain Ellen and Rachel. Ed.]

While only 2% of Boomers identify as queer, that number increases to 15.9% among Gen Z adults, which includes people ages 18 to 23. Similarly, political affiliation has a strong correlation to LGBT identity. 13% liberals identify as LGBT, compared with only 2.3% of those self-identifying as conservatives. 

As anyone who's been to a rally for Pete Buttigieg [Who he? Ed.] can attest, when one examines both age and political identification, young people who are politically liberal identify as LGBT at astronomic rates. Never before has such a large proportion of an American generation intended -- like Sheldon -- to  avoid a heterosexual relationship. And no generation has been so set on foregoing biological children, making this a change that threatens to reorient the central social experience of family in the United States.

Ellie Gardey, writing in The American Spectator, presents a theory that LGBT identity is socially conditioned, and that over 30% of young liberals adopt gay or transgender identities at least in part because those identities are celebrated within "young progressive" communities. 

Young liberals today treat LGBT identity as a protected class, grant greater social status to those who are gay and transgender, and even devote an entire month of the year -- Pride Month -- to parades and celebrations promoting LGBT identity. That's how young people are encouraged to form a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender identity. 

And then there's the feminazis, rightly reviled by Gavin McInnes and Proud Boys. Liberal politics includes skepticism of the traditional role of women in marriage and motherhood, with a heavy admixture of man-hating. Men represent the patriarchy -- a society in which only men can be the leaders of commercial, political, religious, and cultural life. Resentment towards this leads women to seek new ways of life (read: lesbianism) where they are free from the "domination" of men.

In today's open, inclusive, diverse etc etc Western society, there's enormous pressure to conform. That explains the increasing numbers of young females who are identifying as transgender. A 2018 study from Brown University found that "rapid-onset gender dysphoria" among young women could be linked to friends who identify as LGBT. We're seeing a "social contagion", something that is copied by those exposed to abnormal behaviour.

But wait, there's more. Ms Gardey adds that  the queer agenda is pushed on young people by "celebrities" who promote bisexual or queer identities, and encourage their young fans to freely express their LGBT identity as well. They promote their queerness as a point of pride and receiving adulation from their fans and media attention for their identities.

We come now to the key point of Ms Gardey's analysis. The growing number of non-heterosexual people, makes LGBT identity and issues increasingly important politically. The Biden administration is already pushing the queer agenda through the Equality Act, recently passed by the House. 

If the Senate passes it without amendment, the Act would make sexual orientation and gender identity protected classes in the same way that race is protected. That would certainly please young progressives who want religious schools and adoption agencies to recognize same-sex marriage, transgender men to be free to use female bathrooms and compete on women’s sports teams, and doctors to be mandated to perform sex-reassignment surgeries.

Dear reader, if you think those things are morally wrong, if you're not looking forward to the triumph of the alphabet people, that's too bad, because the only hope now is that the Equality Act will be substantially amended (or even defeated) in the Senate. The chances of that happening are slim and none. (Lifetime pct .982.)

But take heart. Any Act of Congress can be repealed. Let the campaign to restor normalcy (and God's law) to America begin now!

Further reading: Have you noticed that the less-than-sympathetic gay characters who used to appear in South Park and Family Guy, have been downplayed (or "disappeared") entirely, in the last couple of years? Walt can imagine the Queer Lobby saying to Seth MacFarlane, "Hey, c'mon! We'se not all pedophiles, like Mr Herbert!" And then there's Mr Slave and Big Gay Al, from South Park. What happened to them?!
Last gay toon standing? - Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3, all on WWW, 24/11/14.

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