Thursday, March 4, 2021

Walt wishes Dr Seuss a Belated Happy Birthday

All the fuss about the cancel culture's latest victim, the beloved Dr Seuss, is very timely. March 2nd was the late author's birthday. He would have been 117. He didn't quite make it, but his memory and thoughts live on in the children's books beloved by millions... until now.

Born (((Theodor Seuss Geisel))), Dr Seuss was an American children's author, political cartoonist, illustrator, poet, animator, and filmmaker. He is known for his work writing and illustrating more than 60 books, including  many of the most popular children's books of all time, selling over 600 million copies and being translated into more than 20 languages by the time of his death in 1991.

His first children's And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street was published in 1937. During World War II, he took a brief hiatus from children's literature to illustrate political cartoons. Naturally those were both anti-Nazi and anti-Japanese. The latter are now being criticized by the PC police for depicting racist stereotypes -- short near-sighted people with snub noses and buck teeth. Of course they were! That was the way we thought our enemies (at the time) were supposed to be portrayed. You can find the same tropes in Disney and Warner Bros. cartoons of the era.

After the war, Dr Seuss returned to writing children's books, writing classics like If I Ran the Zoo (1950), Horton Hears a Who! (1955), If I Ran the Circus (1956), The Cat in the Hat (1957), How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (1957), and Green Eggs and Ham (1960). His books during his career, which have spawned numerous adaptations, including 11 television specials, five feature films, a Broadway musical, and four television series.

Now, however, the triumph liberal fascists have cancelled the good doctor, banning [and burning? Ed.] some of his most-loved books (including those titles shown in red above) because (they say) they have "strong racial undertones".

I'm not sure of the difference between an undertone and an overtone, but there you are. The Jewish author and illustrator is a racist, and everything he wrote or drew, even 60, 70 or 80 years ago is suspect. Take down those statues! Erase those murals! Burn those books! Let him be read, spoken of or remembered no more! 

The Loudon County VA school system, which started the current clutching of pearls, has provided "guidance" (read: a diktat) to schools to "not connect Read Across America Day with Dr. Seuss' birthday exclusively."

On Tuesday night, ABC's late-night host Jimmy Kimmel (not known for his conservative views), warned that such acts of cancel culture could propel President Trump to re-election in 2024! "This is how Trump gets reelected, by the way," Mr Kimmel told his audience. "Cancel Dr. Seuss, cancel Abe Lincoln, melt down Mr. Potato Head's private parts and throw them at the Muppets. That is his path to victory the next time around."

HBO Real Time host Bill Maher has similarly warned liberals that cancel culture is "real" and "coming to a neighborhood near you." His actual words, as reported by Breitbart News: "Liberals need a Stand Your Ground law…for cancel culture, so that when the woke mob comes after you for some ridiculous offense, you'll stand your ground, stop apologizing. Because I can’t keep up with who's on the shitlist."

Walt hopes [and prays! Ed.] that the "woke mob" will succeed in devouring themselves. Keep this up (I warn them) and pretty soon people, even moderates or progressives like Messrs Maher and Kimmel, will start laughing. When you get talked about in the late-night monologues, you're doomed!

As for me, I'm going to rummage through the attic and see if I can find any of the Dr Seuss books my parents bought for me when I was knee-high to a cat in a hat. [I know you have Babar and Little Black Sambo! Ed.] I see his books have rocketed to the top 50 Amazon best-sellers; I'm going to put mine on eBay quick, while they can still be sold! I'm sure some senior citizen will snap up Solid, Liquid or Gas!

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