Tuesday, March 23, 2021

UPDATED: "Allahu akbar!" at Boulder?

Here are the bare bones of this horrendous story. 
Yesterday in Boulder, Colorado, a gunman entered a King Sooper supermarket and shot dead ten (10) people, including one policeman. 

Boulder police had now identified the sole suspect, taken into custody after being wounded, as Ahmad Al Aliwi Al Issa, pictured at left. 

Police have not released a motive. Nor have they said anything about the suspect's nationality, ethnicity, status in the USA or religion. 

Whether or not they will divulge any of this information is uncertain. Mustn't stoke the fires of Islamophobia, you know. Meanwhile, Americans are drawing their own conclusions. 

Walt awaits comment from the Face in Front of the Curtain at the White House. Behind the curtain, the puppeteers are working feverishly to devise a way to blame this (as they have blamed last week's mass shooting of Asian "masseuses" in Atlanta) on President Trump. Stay tuned.

One further comment: A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

UPDATE ADDED at 1600: Walt is watching the lamestream media spin the story to avoid giving any details that would suggest that the shooter is a follower of the prophet. 

Here are the first two paragraphs of the AP follow-up posted about an hour ago: 
"Police on Tuesday identified a 21-year-old man as the suspect who opened fire inside a crowded Colorado supermarket, and court documents showed that he purchased an assault weapon less than a week before the attack that killed 10 people, including a police officer. 

"Supermarket employees told investigators that Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa [sic] shot an elderly man multiple times Monday outside the Boulder grocery store before going inside, according to the documents. Another person was found shot in a vehicle next to a car registered to the suspect’s brother." 

CBC News, Canada's Liberal government-owned broadcaster ran the first paragraph, but skipped the second, going straight to the names of the victims! Wonder why... Might have something to do with not giving the shooter a "platform" for whatever views he might hold. (Can you say "jihad", boys and girls?) 

Then comes a piece from the Daily Caller, headlined: "Facebook Confirms It Deleted Account For Suspected Boulder Shooter Containing Posts About Islam, Trump". How about that... But the Caller says it "did not identify any content on the Facebook page that suggested a motive for the shooting Monday during a review of the account prior to its removal." So Mr Al Issa was a Muslim, OK, but not one of those nasty ones intent on killing all infidels. He was just a little mixed up, is all. 

For a more realistic portrait of the killer, you need to go to Jihadwatch, which reported this afternoon "Brother of Boulder jihad mass murderer detained, along with other family members". 
Robert Spencer writes: "...it is noteworthy that the establishment media continues to spell the killer's name 'Alissa', which of course is a common first name for women in the U.S. and thus gives the impression that he is an American non-Muslim, when the shooter himself spelled it 'Al Issa'. Are 'journalists' trying to obscure the fact that he is a Muslim migrant ISIS sympathizer? Of course they are."

To here Sleepy Joe and the Democrats [sounds like a 60's folk group. Ed.] talk about the "incident", it all proves the urgency of passing laws to take away Americans' guns. All of them. Right now. And that's all there is to it....

1 comment:

  1. Per screenshots, Boulder shooter's father, Moustafa Al-Issa has cited that ISIS was "made" by "impure black Obama" [Sic]. He wrote that (Shiites and) non-Muslims are stray animals, that "Palestine" will always be Arab. And that forces against Turkey are "soldiers of satan".
