Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Canuck newspaper apologizes for printing flag on Canada Day

Canada's government and its lamestream media have earned a reputation for extreme liberal wussiness, pandering to every minority "cause" and ignoring Canada's white native sons and daughters. The TDS, BLM, LGBTQ2S propaganda machine has been in overdrive this year. Dare we hope that running about the red line [Nice pun! Ed.] will cause the machine to burn out? Perhaps not!

"Down East" (as Canadians call their maritime provinces), the population is still mainly white, English-speaking or French-speaking, and heterosexual. But Maritimers are a friendly lot, and typically Canadian when it comes to saying "Sorry!" and apologizing for themselves. Still, many Haligonians (denizens of Halifax) must have been shocked, shocked to see this "trigger warning" across the front page of the Halifax Chronicle-Herald this past Saturday.

Can't believe your eyes? Yep, it says: "To our readers: inside today's edition, on page A9, you'll find a Canadian flag to clip and post to help celebrate July 1. We understand the flag doesn't mean the same thing to everyone, however, we hope our readers recognize their ability to play a role in shaping Canada's future is a freedom worth acknowledging."

The flag then appears on page A9, well inside the first section of the alleged newspaper.

The flag, with its stylized maple leaf, has been a source of pride for Canadians since it was adopted in 1965. Will it soon become like the Confederate Battle Flag, vilified for symbolozing racism, colonialism, white supremacy and all the other evils that the liberals their controlled media see in our society? Must it be taken down -- or, better, burned -- lest it offend some snowflake who feels entitled to reparations for wrongs done a century ago? It's sad that the question should even be asked.

As a public service to all our friends and reads in Canuckistan, Walt Whiteman, Poor Len Canayen [and Ed.! Ed.] are pleased to show the Maple Leaf Flag.
Long may it wave!


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