Monday, June 15, 2020

VIDEO: Vast majority of Canadians favour a pause in immigration

"Go back! Canada can't take any more until we've dealt with the Co-19 panic and the unemployment it's caused!" According to a poll by ONE, a research company based in Toronto ("proud to be the world's most diverse city!" LOL), 76% of Canadians strongly agree or moderately agree with the statement: Canada should temporarily pause immigration until a vaccine is developed for coronavirus and the unemployment rate drops down to pre-coronavirus levels.

Candice Malcom reports in "An immigration pause would serve all Canadians" (True North, 14/6/20) that support for an immigration pause is to be found across all demographics, from coast to coast to coast. Not surprisingly, 89% of Canadians who voted Conservative in the last election support the pause, as do 87% of Bloc Québécois voters. Everyone knows that Québeckers are racists, eh. They're the ones who voted to ban the wearing of Muslim head-coverings!

More surprisingly, 67% of Canadians who cast their vote for Justin "Mr Socks" Trudeau and his ideas of a "post-national state" support the idea of shutting down immigration into Canuckistan for the time being. Says Ms Malcolm, "Perhaps the PM should think twice before he degrades and name-calls those with whom he disagrees on immigration — including two-thirds of his own party's supporters."

But let me not make you read further. Check out the latest video from True North.

As Ms Malcolm points out, many Canucks believe the propaganda dished out daily by the Canadian Broadcorping Castration and the rest of Canada's (((controlled media))) -- all the publishers on the Liberals' approved list are now in line for a cash subsidy -- that the countries borders are currently closed and that Canada's immigration system has been shut down. The Canadian Border Security Agency's numbers tell what's really happening.

According to the most recent CBSA Traveller Statistics released on June 3rd, more than one million (1,000,000) travellers entered Canada at land border crossings between the period of March 21st and June 2nd. An additional 763,000 travellers arrived at Canuckistan's international airports during that same period.

The CBSA does not release the immigration status of land travellers, but it does for air travellers. Of the 763,000 people who landed at Canadian international airports since Mr Socks' March announcement, only 283,000 were Canadian citizens and 21,000 were permanent residents. More than half of the people arriving in Canada — 459,000 — were new immigrants.

This is because the Trudeau government's travel ban includes wide exemptions for new immigrants, including students, agricultural workers and others who come to Canada through the Temporary Foreign Workers Programme. A recent employment report compiled by the Liberal federal government revealed that 13,000 foreign workers were approved to come to Canada between March 15th and May 8th. That's approximately 1625 per week.

If I may borrow a catchphrase from the latest "crisis", "Enough is enough!" 76% of Canadians agree!

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