Sunday, May 26, 2024

"Democrat messaging is full of shit", sez Democrat James Carville

According to Wikipedia, C. James Carville Jr. -- the "C" is for "Chester", not "Crazy" -- is an American political consultant, author, and occasional actor who has strategized for candidates for public office in the United States and abroad. He is a certified liberal and a registered Democrat. 

Mr Carville is redeemed (in Walt's eyes) by the fact that every now and then he tells Democrats that their emperor -- Slick Willy, the Prez, or Demented Joe, it doesn't matter -- has no clothes. 

This weekend, Mr Carville went on an extended rant on Politicon. WARNING: We haven't embedded the video because of Mr C's Very Strong Language. Click on the link to hear the craziness yourself. Although Brother Carville sounds like the angry grandpa from South Park, he's trying to tell Dumbocrats some stone truths. 

In the "wut?" part of his message, starting at 6:15, Mr Carville says Democrats are losing younger voters and black voters because they are ignoring the economy. "The generational thievery that has occurred in this country is criminality of the first order. 

"We keep wondering why these young people are not coming home to the Democrats. Why are blacks not coming home to the Democrats? Because Democrat messaging is full of shit, that’s why. 

"And talk about cost of living, and we’re going to help deal with this. Don’t talk about fucking Gaza and student loans. That is so out. Why are we forgiving student loans for people that go to Harvard? Which, according to Scott Galloway, quite accurately, is nothing but a hedge fund that has classrooms. Well, they got a $52 billion fucking surplus. 

"Why are taxpayers going to bail these people out? Why don’t you come out with a proposal to tax every university with an endowment of over $5 billion and use that money to give their former students relief?

"We all know where where we are. We all know the position we are in. We all know what the polls say. We all know how old President Biden is. Quit fucking arguing what’s in front of your face and start laying something out."

Sounds to me like Mr Carville has a pretty good grip on the reality of the policies of the Democratic Party today. Will the Dumbocrats listen to him in time to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat? Not bloody likely! Lifetime pct .989.

It also sounds to me as if Mr Carville has read -- and taken to heart -- Listen, Liberal, a brilliant but obscure book by Thomas Frank (Henry Holt & Co., 2016), which Walt recommended in "Stumbling towards the decline and fall of the USA", WWW 23/5/24. The Democrats didn't pay attention to Mr Frank in 2016, so why would they do so to Mr Carville now? Is a puzzlement.

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