Thursday, May 30, 2024

VIDEO: "Introducing the Dumbocrats"

Walt has often referred to the leading lights of the Democratic Party as "Dumbocrats". That's because said leading lights are not that bright. In fact, some are positively dim. Still, I suppose it would be churlish [and futile. Ed.] to suggest that the terminally dumb should be barred from politics. If we did that, there'd be mighty few politicians left. [What's wrong with that? Ed.] 

Instead, we should learn to recognize them for what they are, and salute their bravery in putting themselves out there. Right? Well... maybe not...

This brilliant video, which originally appeared on "X", was created by the Dilley Meme Team, who (full disclosure) are doing their best to MAGA. Go and do ye likewise.

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