Monday, May 20, 2024

In times like these...

...we need all the laughs we can get. Here are two excellent funny bits sent along by Agent 9, to whom Walt would tip his biretta, if he had one. [You don't have a gun? Ed.] 

This one is a rare two-fer... a two puns for one!

Walt is awaiting the conclusion of the show trial, and predicts an acquittal. Why? Because (according to our legal beagle) the offence has to prove that the "hush money" was paid to cover up a crime. 

But so far there has been lots of evidence of President Trump's dalliance with the slutty lady, but no evidence of any crime! If having sex outside the bounds of matrimony were a crime, the majority of "our crowd" would have been in the crowbar hotel long ago. 

Lifetime pct .988. Get yer bets down now, at the usual address.

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