Wednesday, May 8, 2024

FAKE poster for Monkey Premium Cereal

Yes, folks, it's a fake. The image of LeBron James is real enough, but there's no such product as Monkey Premium Cereal.

This poster is supposed to be a joke, but I can see where some might call it "racist". It was created by a student at New Hartford Central School in Utica NY as a parody of cereal advertisements, as an entry in a contest..

According to Breitbart News (whose editors deleted a tweet containing the image), some sensitive parents contacted Utica radio station WIBX in alarm. How, they asked, could the school could allow the art featuring the word "monkey" to be coupled with a photo of a famed black athlete to be entered into the art contest and to go on display at the school. 

It is a longstanding racist trope to equate blacks to monkeys, and the complaining parents were shocked -- shocked, I tell you -- that the school did not put a stop to the student’s use of LeBron James’ image in the “Monkey Cereal” artwork.

New Hartford Superintendent of Schools Dr Cosimo Cramer [Ed., please check before posting. I think his last name is Tangorra] said the school is investigating the incident and noted that the student, whose identity and other details [Like his/her race, maybe? Ed.] he did not divulge, was "contacted."

Dr Tangorra [is correct, Ed.] seemed untroubled by the incident, saying that officials are "using this as a teachable moment.... Despite our efforts," he added, "it is clear that more work needs to be done to challenge and raise awareness about stereotypes, prejudices, and discrimination."

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