Thursday, October 22, 2020

Kamala Harris: about as Black as Barack Obama

Much is being made by the Dumbocrats and the running dogs of the liberal media about the supposed "Blackness" of Kamala Harris, the one hoping Joe Biden gets elected and then dies. But, as Walt has pointed out in "Parsing the blackness of Kamala Harris" (WWW 28/8/20), Ms Harris ain't all dat Black!
She is not the first "African-American" politician to be painted as more black than is the case. [I notice you restrained yourself from saying "touched with the tar brush". Ed.] Here's a short excerpt from Obama's America, by Dinesh D'Souza (Regnery 2012).

From the liberal side: he is the first African-American president. This is probably the most common way that Obama is understood. It is certainly the way that Obama biographer David Remnick understood him in his admiring book, The Bridge. Yet there are others who insist that Obama is not really black. That's because he never sat at a segregated lunch counter, nor are any of his ancestors descended from slaves.

This is in sharp contrast with Michelle Obama, who traces her roots back to a Carolina slave plantation. Her husband, however, grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia with multiple visits to Kenya, Indonesia and Pakistan. By his own achowledgment, he didn't live the typical Black American experience.

Interestingly, as president, Obama has shown virtually no interest in black issues, from affirmative action to hate crimes to inner-city poverty. He ignores those issues, raising the hackles of black activists like Tavis Smiley, Ishmael Reed, Michael Eric Dyson and Cornel West.

Reed charges, "It's obvious by now that Barack Obama is treating black Americans like one treats a demented uncle, brought out from his room to be ridiculed and scolded before company from time to time." West contends that Obama "doesn't care about the black poor.... His policies are generating misery amongst poor people, disproportionately black and brown." West terms Obama's policies "the new Jim Crow."

Let's see. "Ancestors descended from slaves": not in Ms Harris' family tree. "Never sat at a segregated lunch counter": nope, nor any other lunch counter, probably. And as a state prosecutor in California, she usually sat on the other side of the courtroom from the black folks. Walt, along with all those black activists, can hardly wait for Kamala Harris to expound at length on how she has "lived the typical black American experience."

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