Friday, October 16, 2020

VIDEOS: Conservatives! Vote for truly conservative candidates!

How I wish Canadian conservatives would figure out how to unite the right! Canada doesn't have a two-party system, like the Excited States of America.

Since the Dirty Thirties it has had third and fourth parties of the (somewhat) left (the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation and it successor, the No-longer-new Democrats) and the right (Social Credit). More recently the federal Parliament has seen members elected from the Parti Québécois, which then became the Bloc Québécois, and the self-styled Green Party, both of them left (and really left) of centre.

Canada's quasi-conservatives, who after WWII styled themselves "Progressive Conservatives" -- an oxymoron if there ever was one -- saw the more conservative of their number split away from the "Red Tories" to form the Reform Party, which then merged with what was left of the PCs to form the Canadian Alliance which then restyled itself the Conservative Party. Got it?

But wait (as Vince Offer used to say), there's more. In their 2017 leadership contest, the Conservatives rejected the truly conservative candidate, Maxime Bernier, and chose a nebbish named Andrew Scheer. "Mad Max" went off in a huff (or a minute-and-a-huff) and formed his own People's Party of Canada, who drew off just enough votes from the Conservatives to rob them of what should have been an easy victory against Mr Socks' ultra-Liberals.

One of the leading lights of the People's Party of Canada was (note past tense) Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, a very personable and dynamic woman who has been seen speaking up for conservative Christian values in a number of videos posted here on WWW. (Click on the tag to see those posts.) Just this Sunday, in my post about Twitter's censorship of Republican Senate hopeful Lauren Witzke, I asked if anyone else noticed the resemblance between Ms Witzke and Ms Thompson. And noooo, it's not that I can't tell one attractive blonde lady from another. Lauren and Laura-Lynn are saying the same things! 

Imagine my surprise then when, just today, I discovered this video in which Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson identifies herself as leader the the Christian Heritage Party of British Columbia!


There will be a provincial election in Canada's Lalaland any day now, and Ms Thompson is standing for election in the riding of Abbotsford South. If she succeeds, she will be the first member of the Christian Heritage Party ever elected to any Canadian legislature, let alone the House of Commons. Here's a longer video in which she talks about why she's running, and about racism and "white privilege". Listen up, Americans! This applies to you... in spades!


I wish Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson well and encourage British Columbians to vote for her (in Abbotsford South) or other Christian Heritage Party candidates in the rest of the province. Right now, the CHP is the only conservative party in BC. 

And that's the problem in the Great No-longer-white North. There is no truly conservative party in the Parliament of Canuckistan. As Max Bernier says in "Is there any hope for conservatives in Canada?" (WWW 2/9/20), The NDP and the Greens prop up the corrupt Liberal government in Ottawa. The leftists are united in everything but name, while the conservatives attack each other. 

It's high time that Canadians [and Americans! Ed.] who cherish the values on which their country was built got together behind one truly conservative party.

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