Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Is that THE Gavin McInnes, the Proud Boys guy, over there?

Benjamin Dover writes from Dildo NL [You can look it up. Ed.] to enquire whether the bearded gentleman shown in the photo atop our Featured Post, "Don't even think about moving to Canada" (at right) is one and the same as Gavin McInnes, the founder of Proud Boys, mentioned by Still-President Trump in the Dumpster Debate. 

The answer is YES. And so what? But (Ben sez), the Proud Boys have been identified by the Canadian Broadcorping Castration, Antifa and all the others suffering from TDS (see previous post) as a horrible, racist, pro-Republican hate group! 

And Mr Trump told them to "stand back and stand by", so he must be a horrible racist yada yada yada too! 

Dear readers, the Proud Boys are not a far-right hate group. Founded by Gavin McInnes, who is (gasp) a Canadian, they describe themselves as as "Western chauvinists" and have consistently disavowed racism. 

But they are proud to stand up for Western culture and the values that made our countries, Canada and the United States of America, the great countries that they used to be before half a century of progressivism and secular humanism. And they are not afraid to stand up to Antifa, BLM, and the Soros-funded haters on the extreme left.

The CBC (aka CNN North) quotes (((Bernie Farber))), chair of the leftist "Canadian Anti-Hate Network", as saying that President Trump's comments during the debate are "the best thing that could have happened to Proud Boys and the white supremacist movement in probably half a century." He goes on to say that says Mr Trump's words "certainly engaged many Proud Boys supporters on social media." 

Hey, he's talking about us! But, he warns Canucks, the Proud Boys "have a proud history here in Canada of defiance. Some would argue that they're actually more white nationalist here than they are in the States." Believe it or not! 

Note from Ed.: You may have noticed the Montréal Canadiens toque worn by Mr McInnes in the photo on the featured post. Any resemblance between him and Poor Len Canayen is purely coincidental!

Further reading/viewing: "Gavin McInnes calls Canada 'a fucking mess'", WWW 15/1/17. The Proud Boys founder gives some good political reasons for not moving to the Great No-longer-white North.

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