Friday, June 1, 2012

Planned Parenthood caught TWICE promoting sex-selective abortion

Planned Parenthood has been mentioned more than half a dozen times in Walt's blog, because people should know that PP is not the benign agency it purports itself to be, helping plan ideal, caring, nurturing families. Planned Parenthood promotes and facilitates abortion. That's a fact of which the public needs to be constantly reminded.

Twice this week, the pro-life activists at Live Action have released videotapes showing "counsellors" at Planned Parenthood clinics encouraging women to procure a sex-selection abortion. Need I put it more bluntly? They're telling them that if they don't want the girl babies they're carrying, just kill them!

In the first video, recorded in a PP "clinic" in Austin TX, you'll see an actress tell the "counsellor" that she plans to abort if her unborn child is female. The counsel;or seems to approve of the plan, and provides details on how the young woman can obtain an ultrasound -- using Medicaid funding, by the way -- to determine the baby’s sex, and arrange an abortion if it is a girl.

The second video, below, was made in an undercover operation at a Planned Parenthood clinic in New York. Here again, the "counsellor" tells the woman how to obtain tests that will determine the sex of her unborn child, so that she can schedule an abortion if it is a girl.

Lila Rose, president of Live Action, charged that American abortionists are "aiding and abetting this horrific problem [of sex-selective abortion]." More than 100 million unborn baby girls have been destroyed, worldwide, in abortions procured by parents who wanted baby boys. Live Action calls it “female gendercide.”

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