Tuesday, June 26, 2012

In spite of rain, sleet, snow... or crows?

Here's what you don't want to see if you're a mailman ["letter-carrier" please. Ed.] going on your daily rounds. It's an angry crow, about to defend its nest.

For the past couple of weeks, a hammer of crows have been attacking letter-carriers and dog-walkers in a suburb of Winterpeg ["Winnipeg" please. Ed.] -- the dead centre of Canada [You can say that twice. Ed.] -- as they attempt to protect young chicks.

Canada Post, ever-mindful of the safety of its workers -- both of them -- suspended mail service to the area after one too many aerial attacks. Residents were told in a letter that the disruption was due to "aggressive crows". How the letter would have reached the householders is something of a mystery.

A spokesthingy for CanPost said, "We’re just trying to keep our carrier safe. He’s been ducking out of the way, they haven’t hit him yet, but it’s been very close. Birds are not a normal hazard in the delivery business."

Wildlife specialists say that humans fall into the predator category for birds, especially if the person is walking a dog or cat on a leash. Birds actively defend their young for up to a week after they are born, longer if the young birds struggle to fly.

So what do you do? Manitoba's ministry responsible for conservation and annoying wildlife says you could wear a hat with large eyes painted on the back, since most birds will not approach the front of a predator. Sounds like good advice. I must run right out and get one... just in case...

1 comment:

  1. MURDER, Walt! A flock of crows is called a MURDER!
