Monday, December 11, 2023

Formerly "Demented Joe", now "DESPERATE Joe"

President Brandon must be desperately trying to stave off the electoral disaster into which he's leading (?) his party. Could there be any other reason for enlisting election denier Hillary Clinton  to build infrastructure, raise money, and mobilize voters for his election campaign?

Breitbart News calls Hellery "a twice-failed presidential candidate [and] a longtime election denier:" Why do they say that?

* 2016: Claimed the Supreme Court “took away a presidency” in Bush v. Gore
* 2017: Alleged she would not “rule out” questioning the legitimacy of the 2016 election. 
* 2020: Claimed the 2016 presidential election was not conducted legitimately, saying, “We still don’t really know what happened.” 
* 2020: Claimed Stacey Abrams “would have won” Georgia’s gubernatorial race “if she had a fair election” and that Stacey Abrams “should be governor” but was “deprived of the votes [she] otherwise would have gotten.”

They quote NBCs as saying "People close to Hillary Clinton anticipate she’ll be a tireless campaigner for the Biden campaign, rallying Democratic voters by laying out the stakes and explaining why a Trump victory could subvert America’s democratic norms. [Seriously? Walt]

"She is also well positioned to caution voters that if they support a third-party candidate, they may cut into Biden’s margin and flip the election to Trump, Democratic strategists said. Clinton’s role is only expected to grow in the new year, but for now, she is filling a space that at a later point in the campaign season former President Barack Obama will join." [SERIOUSLY? Walt]

FiveThirtyEight polling shows Crooked Joe is the least popular president in modern US history, with a -18 approval rating. No wonder many Democrats asked him not to run for re-election. But he says he has to do it. Why? Because if he doesn't, the Democratic candidate for president is likely to be... wait for it... Mrs Bill Clinton. Yikes!

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