Friday, August 18, 2023

How Brandon can get rid of the Three Witches

Double, double toil and trouble; 
Fire burn and caldron bubble. 
Cool it with a baboon's blood, 
Then the charm is firm and good. 

 As a young lad [back before the earth's crust cooled. Ed.] I was compelled to read Macbeth. The only part that sticks in my mind is the first two lines of this quattrain (IV.i 35-38), uttered by the Three Witches.

In his quest for re-election -- Joe Brandon needs to deal with his own Three Witches (three Democratic witches) who are queering his already slim chances. They are (in order of repulsiveness) Senator Dianne Feinstein, presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton, and Vice-President Kamala Harris.

In "An unlikely solution to the problems with Harris and Feinstein" (LA Times, 14/8/43), columnist George Skelton, outlines Senile Joe's problems with Ms Finesteing and Ms Harris, to wit:

"President Biden has a problem. So does Vice President Kamala Harris. Sen. Dianne Feinstein is a problem. There’s a solution for all of this. Biden’s problem is Harris. She’s a burden — a drag on his reelection prospects. 

"Feinstein, 90, is a problem for California because she’s no longer capable of fully representing the nation’s most populous state — a world-class economic power — in the Senate. 

"A reader emailed me with the remedy: Feinstein could resign from the Senate and Gov. Gavin Newsom could appoint Harris to replace her. Biden then could find a more popular running mate, one more acceptable to voters as a potential successor."

Wow! What Mr Skelton has given us is 2/3 of a brilliant plan to keep Brandon and the Dumbocrats [sounds like 50's singing group. Ed.] in power. But the pundit hasn't pushed his idea to its logical conclusion. He should have read "Waiting for Hellery" (WWW 10/8/23).

In that little essay, I mooted the possibility that Mrs Bill Clinton is waiting for Crooked Joe to founder further in the public opinion polls, getting set to primary him as soon as the starting gun is heard. I said that she has two chances -- slim and none -- of ousting Brandon. What I failed to consider was the possibility that, if Ms Harris can be pushed back into California (as Mr Skelton suggests), Mr Biden could than appoint La Clinton as his "new" Vice-President!

How brilliant is that?! In one swell foop, Brandon could remove the threat of a Clinton challenge to his nomination. Not only that. Some voters worried about his failing health could be reassured by the prospect of Mrs Bill succeeding them. 

But wait (as Vince Offer used to say), there's more! Suppose Brandon tells Hellery that she wouldn't have to wait for him to expire of old age, as he would retire voluntarily shortly ("a decent interval") after his re-election. 

He could put his guarantee in writing -- if he can still write more than his name -- and with that in her pocket Mrs Clinton could hit the campaign trail at Joe's side, confident that she will at last become America's first female feminist President. 

So there you are, Dumbocrats, the solution to all your problems. Don't bother to thank me. Watching a rerun of Clinton vs Trump will be thanks enough!

Footnotes: Report seen on Global TV News this morning:
"Hurricane Hilary grew rapidly to Category 4 strength off Mexico’s Pacific coast on Friday and could reach Southern California as the first tropical storm there in 84 years, causing “significant and rare impacts” including extensive flooding."
Just a coincidence, no doubt...

The Babylon Bee's take: "Deaths Caused By Hurricane Hilary To Be Labelled Suicides", 18/8/23.

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