Sunday, December 27, 2020

Anus horribilis 2020: Walt's Newsmaker of the Year

Ed. here. 2020 is almost over, thank God, truly an Annus Horribilis if ever there was one. (I know my Latin but Walt insists on leaving the headline as he wrote it.) Sorry for the interruption yestereday evening. We return now to our yearend review, to present the coveted Wally Award to the Newsmaker of the Year. May I have the envelope please? ... And the winner is...


Well who did you expect? Sleepy Joe Biden, the all-but-invisible "President-elect"? Do an analysis of the amount of time and space given by the meeja to the contestants in the fraudulent election for the Presidensity between Hallowe'en and Christmas, and you'll see that Still-President Donald J. Trump is the winner, leaving Old Joe waaaay up the track.

The lamestream media has been preoccupied with The Donald for at least five years. First there was speculation over whether or not he would throw his hat in the ring. Then there was the great debate over whether to take his campaign for the Republican nomination seriously. Should they put it in the political news or the entertainment news. Still news, right?

Then Mr Trump was nominated, and the controlled media had to start taking him seriously... although not respectfully. The minute his candidacy for othe Highest Office in the Land became official, the anti-Trump campaign began. Suddenly America's media were filled with rumours, speculation, disinformation and outright lies. (Hello, Russian conspiracy!)

But the media storm of scorn didn't matter. In an election which was a model of fairness and honesty compared with V.2020, the American people chose as their leader a man after their own collective heart.

If you search YouTube, you can still find dozens of videos of the astonishment and humiliation of all those "exports", "analysts", pollsters and other pundits -- not forgetting "celebrities" -- who had to eat generous helpings of crow, live and on the air, when it became apparent that the horrible, politically incorrect "Orange Man" was going to become the 45th President of the United States. But that was only the beginning!
The sun hadn't even risen (out here at least) on The Morning After, when the "Resistance" began. How many times have you seen this iconic photo, or read the slogan "Not my president!" since then? 

The anti-Trumpers went... and remain... stark staring bonkers in their refusal to accept the fact that Donald Trump won the 2016 election, became President... and still is President. 

Our own Agent 17 offered to bet that President Trump wouldn't finish his term. And the Swamp -- the Democrats and the Washington establishment -- did their damndest to make it so. Remember the impeachment farce?

That didn't work either, so here we are, with just over three weeks of the Trump presidency remaining, and the same fake news media -- for that's what they are -- less concerned with predicting the shape and direction of a Biden administration than with guessing how President Trump might contrive to remain in office. 

Will Old Joe's inauguration be forestalled by another appeal to SCOTUS? A declaration of martial law? A military coup? Or some kind of divine intervention? (Remember what happened to Pope John Paul I!) Check the fake news outlets -- CNN, MSNBC, Fox, CBS, ABC, CBC, any of them! -- today and see if that's not what they're talking about. That, dear reader, is why Still-President Donald J. Trump is Walt's Newsmaker of the Year!

Further reading: "CNN: 'Our Ratings Are Only Tanking Because Trump Is Killing Off Viewers By The Millions'", Babylon Bee, 26/8/19. Satire from the pre-Covid daze!

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