Thursday, December 10, 2020

Fundraiser for Kathy Shaidle

Regular readers know that Blazing Cat Fur is one of Walt's favourite blogs, and the source of many good memes and photos reposted here. The mover and shaker behind BCF is Kathy Shaidle. She is one of the most incisive, witty, and fearless writers on the scene today, never shrinking back from standing up for freedom, even when the Left-fascist lynch mobs tear after her. Here's a photo of Kathy, taken some months ago in New York City, when she was in better health. 

Kathy doesn't look like that now. She is suffering ovarian cancer and is now in palliative care. She is still fighting hard and we hope she will be with us for as long as God allows. She is doing well and has homecare nurses and a doctor attending. 

This comes at great cost, only partially covered under Canada's socialized health care scheme. If you can help with a donation, Kathy and those who care for her would be greatly appreciative. Please click here to go to the "Kathy's Fundraiser" page on Blazing Cat Fur, and make this part of your Christmas giving. 

And please join us in prayer for Kathy and all the others -- including one near and dear to Walt -- battling cancer. Some will recover, some not, according to God's will. But God always hears the petitions of the faithful. The power of prayer is great, sometime miraculous.

UPDATE ADDED 11/12/20: Walt is pleased to note that this post has had more click-throughs in one day than any we've put up in the past couple of months. I hope all those who go to BCF will feed the kitty! And if you're sending a message, please tell Kathy that Walt sent ya!

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