Wednesday, May 6, 2020

M-103 in force! Ontario school councillor fired for questioning special rules for Muslims during Covid-19 "crisis"

As mentioned here before (click the "M-103" tag below to find previous posts) the Democratic Republic of Canuckistan has a quasi-law -- more of a "suggestion" passed by the Liberal-dominated Parliament, you see -- requiring people to say only nice things, not negative things, about members of different "faith communities". Especially Muslims... Islam being the only "faith community" specifically mentioned.

In Brampton ON, a mixed (South Asian and black) ghetto northwest of Toronto, a school councillor has lost his position after posting what has been called an "Islamophobic" tweet. Ravi Hooda, who, errr, not a Muslim, a real estate agent and a school council chair, was fired from the latter position yesterday after tweeting a reply to Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown, who announced in April that an amendment to the city's anti-noise bylaw would allow mosques to play the Muslim call to prayer on speakers five times per day during Ramadan. This is what Mr Hooda wrote:

Having the temerity to point out some of the "diversity" to which other members of the community object turned out to be a Big CLM (career-limiting move) for the unfortunate Mr Hooda. The Peel District School Board say the post was disturbing and said he will no longer be able to serve on or participate in the school council in any capacity. He has also lost his position with RE/MAX, but, as far as we know, still has his real estate licence. Should he set up his own brokerage, he will surely get lots of listings from people worried about what's happening to their `hood. In Brampton, it seems, diversity is not considered a community's strength!

Further reading:
"Why the mosque loudspeaker request makes little sense", by Farzana Hassan [What part of Ireland is she from? Ed.] in the Toronto Sun, 7/5/20.
"Brampton a ghetto? How can they say that?", WWW 13/6/16.

Footnote and correction: Agent 2 [Where ya been, Two? Ed.] e-mailed Walt to say that the school in question is Macville Public School in Caledon ON, not Brampton, as reported by the Toronto media. Caledon is immediately north of Brampton and until lately has been a pretty white community. [You can read that with a comma, if you wish. Ed.] But the times they are a-changin'...

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