Saturday, May 23, 2020

Wondering where all the new church music comes from?

Walt and other traditional Catholics have been complaining for half a century that the modern hymns and other alleged music used in the Novus Ordo mass in the "mainstream" churches is... not to put too fine a point on it... terrible. IMHO, there hasn't been any good church music written since the day the priests turned `round. (Older Catholics will know what I mean.)

The same complaint is heard in the mainstream Protestant churches, particularly the Episcopalians/Anglicans, Methodists [Do they still exist? Ed.], Lutherans and the like. The few who still attend services find their ears assaulted by 1000 different versions of "Kumbaya", meant to emphasize inclusivity, diversity and the rest of the New Age, we-are-all-one BS. God forbid that Christian music should suggest that ours is the One True Faith and that those who do not believe are somehow excluded from God's plan of salvation.

But where (I hear you ask) does all this quasi-liturgical garbage come from? The Babylon Bee (Your trusted source for Christian satire) has come up with the answer. Yes folks, it's the

Click here to check it out. See you in church!

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