Saturday, February 1, 2020

VIDEOS: Are your kids watching Sesame Street?

Sesame Street is good, right? Kids who watch it learn to count, they learn the alphabet, they learn to play nice with others... That was the case 50 years ago, when my kids watched. I watched too, and could do pretty good impressions of Grover (my favourite character), The Count and Bert and Ernie. All good clean fun, and educational too! What could go wrong?

Answer: plenty! Once the children's show got not just established but popular, the creators at the Children's Television Workshop (known now as Sesame Workshop) and their enablers at PBS became confident enough to start pushing their liberal, secular humanist, pro-queer agenda. Now the show is nothing but incessant propaganda for "diversity", "inclusiveness", and the current flavour of the month, gender ideology. Check this out.

Ah yes, some boys like to dress up as heroes, some like to play with dolls, some like to dress up as dolls. Right? Just in case the point was not clear, Sesame Street's producers announced this week that Billy Porter, a homosexual cross-dressing actor -- oh, he's black too! -- who is known to wear dresses on red carpets to posh Hollywood events, will be bringing his "fierce vibes" to the show, to do his bit to mold the minds of young viewers into the politically correct shape.

To the surprise of the show's creators, many fans have taken to social media to express outrage. According to Big League Politics, one parent said, "That is pushing [too] much at little children, it makes no sense, kids have [too] much on their little plates as it is. Why add more?"

Another viewer commented, "Sesame Street is for children. And diversity should be taught at a child appropriate level. A man in a dress is not child appropriate, in fact, it can be confusing. While striving to teach to 'be yourself' you're teaching boys who are masculine that it's not OK for them to be masculine."

This is nothing new. Check out the video, featuring our old buddy Gavin McInnes, posted in "Lefties demand white males be ashamed of being normal", 10/6/16.

Another Sesame Street fan asked, "As though our children are not confused enough. What is your agenda?" The agenda is clear enough. Sesame Street has been on the woke bandwagon for quite some time, pushing gender equality and gay marriage on children for years. It's all part of the whole pro-queer agenda. The victims are our children, who are subjected to this incessant propaganda and wind up confused and, all too often, abused. Watch this!

"Don't confuse me!" was posted over seven years ago, and the petition referred to at the end is long gone, but lots of people got the message. Lots of people, including (I hope) you, dear reader, know that the agenda being pushed by the "alphabet people" and their liberal enablers is morally wrong and a threat to our families. But we aren't standing up to them, and they're still at it, packing their fudge into the minds of kids who aren't young or sophisticated enough to know they're being groomed. Parents! Are you going to sit there and not do something, anything, to protest?

"What can I do?", I hear you ask. For starters, how about turning off the TV when Sesame Street comes on. There are many fine Christian TV shows for kids. Click here to visit Faithful Moms, "nurturing faith + faithfulness in our hearts & homes", for some suggestions. May God and His Blessed Mother guide and protect you and your children!

Further reading: "Washington Democrats Push Mandatory LGBTQ-Focused Sex Ed for Kindergartners", Conservative Media, undated.

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