Saturday, October 7, 2023

"Allahu akbar!" in Israel; whose side are you on?

So, it begins. Or, as President Trump said, "Here we go again!" I'm sure you've heard the news, so won't refry it. From here, the Hamas attacks -- already being described as "sneak attacks" or "Pearl Harbor-style attacks" -- on Israel look like just the beginning of the latest phase of a decades-long conflict. 

This chances of a quick resolution of any war between Muslims and Jews -- for that's what we have here, according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 00 are slim and none. While we wait, I'm watching to see how the (((controlled media))) are playing this. 

Without exception the lickspittle media are taking the side of Israel, and all progressive, correct-thinking people are expected to see things that way. If you don't, you're an anti-Semite, just like those people who hung this banner from a bridge over Toronto's Gardiner Expressway earlier today.

What's odd about this is that the propagandists doing all the pissing and moaning about the evil Muslims are the same ones who for years now have been castigating those of us who have problems with the Religion of Peace as "Islamophobes". They're the same ones who tell us that Ukrainians are right to defend their lands against the Russian occupiers. Shome dichotomy there, shurely?

In Israel or Palestine (whichever you prefer) Christians are "the meat in the sandwich". In Africa they say that when two elephants fight, it's the grass that gets trampled. So I'm not taking sides in this one. I  just hope that the US of A (and Canada -- the B team) isn't called on to break up the fight. We've seen that movie, and recently too. It didn't end well.

Meanwhile, Blackie McBlackface, Prime Minister of all Canuckistan, bleats [Tweets, shurely! Ed.] "Canada stands with Israel!" Really? Isn't he the one who just yesterday (it seems) was shaming Canucks for their Islamophobia?

Image scraped from Blazing Cat Fur,

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