Thursday, September 19, 2019

UPDATED: "Boy, is my face red! Errr... OK, it's brown! Black?!"

Here they are, folks, the pictures that have exploded in Justin Trudeau's blackened face. M Trudeau, the former Prime Minister of Canada (now seeking a second term in that lofty office) is, as he keeps telling Canucks, a great believer in multiculturalism, inclusiveness and diversity. "Diversity is our strength!" And equality. Don't forget equality. "A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian!"

These pix push the bullshit meter well into the red. The excrement first interfaced with the air-conditioning device yesterday afternoon, when Time ran the picture at right, taken in 2001, of the 29-year-old Mister T exercising his penchant for playing Mr Dress-up by appearing as Aladdin [or is it the genie? Ed.] at an entertainment at West Point Grey Academy, a private school in Vancouver, where the young(ish) Trudeau was a drama teacher.

That was the pic that hit the news... and the Trudeau campaign... like a bombshell yesterday evening. But in his fulsome apology -- and I use the word correctly -- Mr Socks revealed that, errr, there were other pictures. Here's an even better one.

Looks like the same costume, so let's be charitable and assume it was taken at the same event, but it wouldn't surprise me if it turned out to be M Trudeau showing ethnic solidarity with a couple of his candidates in Brampton and Mississauga. (By the way, former Liberal MP Raj Grewal, the one with the gambling problem, announced yesterday that he wouldn't be running again this time. Surprised?)

On CBC's The National last night, a clearly crestfallen (and unbiased LOL) Rosemary Barton, described the makeup M Trudeau is wearing (not just on his face, but on his hands too) as "brownface", as if that made it... you know... not quite as bad as wearing blackface, which is something only racist Americans do. (Imagine if Donald Trump was photographed in blackface! Cazart!)

Rosie must be even more dismayed today, looking at this picture of an even younger Justin Trudeau singing "Day-O" in a talent show at Le collège Jean-de-Brébeuf. Looks like blackface to me, and if you look closely you can see the enormous Afro which completed the image. Harry Belafonte he's not, but "racist", errr...

And that's the point. The other party leaders, the (((controlled media))) and every "progressive" in Canuckistan has pounced on poor Just In, whose face, as he spoke to the press on the campaign plane last night, was not red but ashen.

The Cuckservative, Andrew Scheer, and the NDP (Socialist) leader Jagmeet Singh (a brown-faced man in a turban!) were just about beside themselves with glee, all the while trying to look and sound deeply offended, accusing Just In of racial insensitivity, "wearing ethnicity as a costume", and, of course, racism.

The feminist champion of diversity and multiculturalism is truly hoist on his own petard. Ya gotta love it!

There are, to be sure, a few sane individuals who say that you shouldn't hold a "youthful indiscretion" against someone, especially if he apologizes sincerely (with tears, if possible) and has "matured and evolved" so that he realizes and takes responsibility for his political incorrectness. That's what Andy Sheer said just a few days ago, while standing up for a couple of his candidates who'd been somewhat compromised by past "errors of judgment".

The hyuge KA-BOOM is still reverberating through the newsrooms, corridors of power, Tim Hortons and other places where people discuss such things. It will be some time before people stop talking about Just In Trudeau's bad hair day... make that bad face day. Stay tuned!

Further reading
: What's wrong with wearing blackface or brownface? The leftist ideology explained: "Why wearing blackface or brownface is considered 'reprehensible'", by (((Mark Gollom))), on the CBC News website... of course. [And let that be an end to the accusations that we never link to the CBC! Ed.]

UPDATE ADDED 0800: Canada's Global TV has obtained video of another incident -- not the high school "Day-O" incident but something more recent -- in which Mr Dressup wears blackface. Not "brownface" but blackface. Note the comment about resignation. Could it happen?

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