Monday, December 17, 2018

Eurabia news roundup - latest on the yellow vests

Walt didn't spend a lot of time this weekend thinking, let alone worrying about the latest examples of the Islamization of Europe and the revolt of white Christians against it. But I won't leave you without a quick summary of what happened, since WWW may be the only place where you'll see the truth.

The death toll from the Strasbourg Christmas market shooting rose to five -- six if you count the Islamic terrorist, Cherif Chekatt, who was shot dead by French police after a two-day manhunt which led to his discovery not far from the scene of the atrocity. In an interview with state-run broadcaster France-2, the Algerian man's father said his son subscribed to the beliefs of the Islamic State (ISIS). Abdelkrim Chekatt said he tried to talk his son out of doing anything, but kids, what're ya gonna do...

Meanwhile, police in Paris said they were optimistic that the gilets jaunes (= yellow vests) protests were waning, since only 5000 or so demonstrators turned out for the festivities on Saturday. Police used water cannon, batons and tear gas to deal with the demonstrators. 168 people were arrested on Saturday alone. One was not arrested because he was dead.

Ahead of more protests expected the weekend before Christmas, French security forces are preparing to smother the centre of Paris with a "last resort" chemical weapon -- a debilitating powder which can be spread across an area the size of six football fields in just ten seconds. That Emperor Macron the First [and last! Ed.] is contemplating chemical warfare against its own citizens highlights the increasing desperation of his government as it faces up to a law and order crisis which is rapidly turning into a rightist revolution.

Meanwhile (again) yellow vests protests intensified in the Netherlands and Belgium. In Brussels, over 5000 of sprouts wearing the iconic apparel were met with water cannon and tear gas as they marched against the UN migration pact signed last week in Marrakech, which they fear could lead to an increase in immigration. (Duh!). The rightist N-VA party, the largest member of Belgium's ruling coalition, left the Belgian government last Sunday in protest against the prime minister's decision to sign the agreement.

The president of the youth wing of the Flemish nationalist party, Vlaams Belang, told the meeja that people should have been consulted before Belgium signed up to the deal. "It's been approved apparently, but the opinion of the people was never asked." A spokesthingy for the nationalist youth organisation Schild en Vrienden, said the protesters wanted to "raise our voice against the Marrakech pact. We think the decision was not made in a democratic way, with a minority in government and a minority of the Belgian people," he said. "That's what we are protesting against."

For those who don't read Flemish, the signs the protesters are carrying read "First OUR people". Nice sentiment, that.

Footnote: Even in Toronto, the poster city for the benefits of multiculturalism, Canucks weary of diversity are starting to raise their voices against unprecedented levels of immigration. A couple of hundred yellow-vested protesters got together in front of city hall for a scuffle with a like number, also clad in yellow vests, who turned up to support the migration pact, which Junior Trudeau has approved on behalf of sheeplike Canadians. As reported here on December 8th, similar protests were held earlier this month in Calgary and Edmonton, but the opinions of red-neck westerners don't count with Mr Socks.

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