Wednesday, October 24, 2018

VIDEO: True story of Philadelphia baby-killer now a movie

I don't go to the movies any more. Hollywood is churning out so much trash. And it's not even so-bad-it's-funny trash, like Plan 9 From Outer Space. It's just remakes, sequels and prequels like the latest excrescence in the Star Wars series -- franchises well past their sell-by dates being warmed over in hopes of a few quick bucks. And of course it's mostly fiction. Very few documentaries or even dramatized true stories will be found on the silver screen, at least not in my corner of the forest.

But there's always an exception -- a movie worth seeing and perhaps even worth recommending. One such, which made its debut on October 12th in cinemas across America (although not many of them) is Gosnell: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer, which I'm going to recommend even though the subject matter -- the crimes of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell -- is such as to provoke anger, outrage, perhaps even despair. This movie won't rake in piles of money, but may well be the most important film to be released this year. Here's the trailer.

I first wrote about Kermit Gosnell's many murders, committed under the guise of "reproductive health services", in "How to kill unwanted babies (and make loadsa dough)", WWW 20/3/13. Two months later, after a trial revealed gruesome details which it is no exaggereation to call "horrific", "Kermit the Baby Killer" was found guilty as charged (WWW 13/5/13), and is now serving three consecutive life sentences.

Mr Gosnell (he wasn't really a doctor) may be in prison, but the evil of abortion persists, paid for in large part by public funds -- your tax dollars -- paid to organizations such as Planned Parenthood. These groups say they are promoting women's health and "a woman's right to choose", but are actually funding the medical murder of 1000s of babies -- some of them born alive, as in the Gosnell case -- every day of every month of every year, right across the USA.

This movie, like Mr Gosnell's crimes, won't get much notice in the lamestream media. While the trial was going on, Conor Friedersdorf, writing in The Atlantic, asked why it wasn't being covered more. "The news value is undeniable," he said. "This story has numerous elements any one of which would normally make it a major story. And setting aside conventions, which are flawed, this ought to be a big story on the merits."

What is behind the studied silence of the media is the same aggressive secularism and political correctness that keeps us from even discussing the evils and perversions of our post-Christian society. Nothing is "wrong" any more, because we -- or at least our "progressive thinkers" and opinion-makers -- have lost the ability to distinguish between wrong and right. Whatever your position on abortion, Gosnell: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer is worth seeing and thinking about. That's why the baby-killers in the abortion industry don't want you to know about it. But now you know. Please share this post by passing on the URL to your neighbours, friends and family.

Further viewing: "Gosnell: The Powerful Story Liberal Media Hopes You Ignore - Katie Petrick & Dr. Duke Pesta"

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